JVRudnick voted on the following stories on BizSugar

A scannable digest of all B2B Marketing posts on the Bizcompare blog. Topics include: market share & size, branding, LinkedIn, marketing briefs and more Read More
Working with any ranking software package, is a very hard usually laborious set of tasks, and for us SEO practitioners, it’s really no different – till we moved away from our old ranking app to the Rank Tracker app from Link-Assistant about 18 months ago.

No surprise really…as a google on the “ Read More

Should I Start or Buy a Business?

Should I Start or Buy a Business?  - http://www.lead411.com Avatar Posted by smpayton under Startups
From http://www.lead411.com 4493 days ago
Made Hot by: Monsieur Eraser on March 18, 2012 12:32 am
If you’re considering starting a business, you might be trying to decide between starting one from scratch or buying an existing business. Each has its own benefits. Read More
Twitter Marketing: This Is the Ultimate Guide To Marketing On Twitter For 2012. It only takes us (Twitter users) 1 week to sent out a billion tweets. Read More
Situation: You’re a small business with a website. But it’s old and may be on a 3rd party platform. Its time to develop a new website. DIY or outsource? Read More
On March 8th, the group of US Congress bills, collectively called the JoBS Act (Jumpstart our Business Startups) passed the House of Representatives and now goes to the Senate….and IMHO, that spells trouble for our Canuck startup futures…but let me explain! You already know as a reader, that we’ve Read More
Email is a useful tool which quickly (and tragically) overwhelms and beats its users into submission. Why? Because we habitually break The Ten Commandments of Email. For shame. The Ten Commandments are here to protect us — and our user — from virtual wrath. 1. Thou shalt use messaging Intra-office Read More

32 Plugins That Drive a Successful Wordpress Blog

32 Plugins That Drive a Successful Wordpress Blog  - http://www.ryanhanley.com Avatar Posted by ryanhanley under Marketing
From http://www.ryanhanley.com 4496 days ago
Made Hot by: tuckerleroy on March 13, 2012 5:21 pm
Plugins are a very important part of a WordPress blog. Plugins extend the functionality that’s already built into WordPress and allow you to make your blog more dynamic. Read More
Positioning maps help you to find a new market opportunity based on where there may be a gap in the market or where there may be limited competition. I will show you how to find these opportunities for yourself by using real examples. Read More

16 Small Business PR Tactics To Do Today

16 Small Business PR Tactics To Do Today - http://www.understandingmarketing.com Avatar Posted by jsternal under Public Relations
From http://www.understandingmarketing.com 4499 days ago
Made Hot by: HeatherStone on March 10, 2012 6:46 pm
Here are 16 small business PR tactics entrepreneurs can immediately start doing to help drive publicity for their businesses to increase brand awareness. Read More

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