JVRudnick voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Just finishing up a brand new week and very chuffed about a brand new car dealership client too and with our normal Canadian SEO practice workload up a bit…. I’ve not got a ton of time today to expound on the following great infographics that popped up this week….but here they are, eh! Read More
You can learn a lot from reading marketing copy. In my travels across the marketsphere, checking out sites and shopping for gifts, I come across marketing copy that arrests, mesmerizes, and even edifies.

Take for example, this excerpt from “Alluring fashion ladies slips” on Just Women Clothing. Read More

The Top 3 Keys to Successful Business Growth

The Top 3 Keys to Successful Business Growth  - http://bloggertone.com Avatar Posted by nialldevitt under Management
From http://bloggertone.com 4503 days ago
Made Hot by: sprint01 on March 6, 2012 8:46 pm
The top 3 keys to successful business growth include an actionable business plan, becoming more authentic and self-aware, and becoming a knowledge-based manager Read More
Monday morning here and I’m still – one full week later – ruminating over the two-day seminar I attended last week that was billed as the “Business Vista Seminar:A New Beginning” and I’m still as pumped one week later as I thought I’d be! But let me explain in full…

As you may know, I’m one of t Read More
Nick Stamoulis explains that online video marketing doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive. A great link building tool, video marketing gives your brand the opportunity to showcase your company, employees and products in a new way. It doesn’t have to be commercial quality to contain quality in Read More
Websites with nice designs are great. They make users want to read the content that's on them. What do users do after they read the content though? Are businesses forgetting about 'call to action' buttons? Read More
As many of you readers know, we run a successful SEO practice here in the Hamilton area…and it’s really what gets up up each day. That said, you may also know that we work damn hard here too for our startup community…and I am only one “spoke” in that wheel…but it surely provides us with lots to do Read More
If people are looking for a local business these days, they don’t turn to the Yellow Pages. They head for the search engines and type in the service, product, or kind of establishment that they are looking for in addition to the location that they are in. While the search engines continue to improv Read More
Regular readers here will know that while we continue with our SEO practice, provide Mentoring to our Hamilton based Innovation Factory clients and have a startup or two of our own – we also very much look for leadership by any of our local community leaders. And it’s so dang nice to be able to rep Read More
Only so much time in a week, it appears and I’ve about run out of same! But not to worry, dear readers….here’s some “odd’s ‘n ends” that I’ve gathered up over the past week or so, that are cool, surprising and most of all, show potential for all of us involved in the digital arena, eh!

First up, Read More

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