JVRudnick voted on the following stories on BizSugar

A major part of our time here is as you may already know, spent on web development and technology concepts that go above and beyond our normal SEO practice, and for us the single driving passion we’ve had lately, is crowdfunding and Canada, and yes we’ve written on this recently too. The two items Read More
Okay, we live in Canada, and a large part – in fact the monolithic part of our telecommunications industry up here is yup, YPG – our Yellow Pages Group that last year had revenues decrease about 5% to only $1.3 billion dollars, due in fact to their decreasing print shared revenues.

This is some Read More
Yes, last night up at the newly redesigned Arnie Pub at Mohawk College, Software Hamilton founder Kevin Browne once again hosted our latest community DemoCampHamilton5 to another packed house!

And what a great new venue it was – the changes to the Arnie have been long in coming but the new big Read More
Not sure if your organization can benefit from mobile marketing? Hesitant to invest in new technologies without understanding their impact? In this webinar we’ll cover the three biggest opportunities in mobile marketing, and the three biggest mistakes. Learn how your business or nonprofit can us Read More
We get asked this question a lot. In this article we explain how long it will take for you to see SEO (Search Engine Optimization) results. Read More

How long does SEO take to get results?

How long does SEO take to get results?  - http://www.seo-writer.com Avatar Posted by amabaie under Online Marketing
From http://www.seo-writer.com 4530 days ago
Made Hot by: JVRudnick on February 8, 2012 2:24 pm
Your question is a lot like how deep is a hole? How high is up? SEO is like a sport, and you are competing for various positions with others. Results could be a top 10 ranking for one search term. It could be a #1 ranking for three search terms. It could mean hundreds of things for any given site. Read More
Okay, you know that I love SEO and online marketing and talk on same, practice same and yes, even “live” same day-in and day-out…but something that may be new to you all, is my love of the whole premise of what crowdfunding is – and what it can be too!

First a definition – directly from Wikiped Read More
Yelp is an effective marketing tool for small business owners. Learn how to use it to your advantage. Read More
Our regular readers here will know, that I very much enjoy/follow/put-up-on-a-pedestal the folks over at Chitika and their research into the search world, using their own index of millions of pages. (disclaimer – we do no biz with Chitika, nor do we have any mutual clients etc. etc. – I just like t Read More
Every site owner should run a link audit on their site at least once a year. When conducting a full link audit, it’s important to visit each and every link in your link portfolio no matter how many links there may be! For some site owners, this may mean you have thousands of links to check out. Ins Read More

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