Liz_062 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

To make the meaning of data mining easy, one can separate the words and try to understand the meaning better. Here data mining can be taken as data and mining, data is something that holds some records of information and mining can be considered as digging deep information about useful materials. S Read More
Data warehousing can be defined as particular area of comfort wherein subject oriented, non-volatile collection of data is done as to support the management’s process. It senses the limited data within the multiple data resources. It has built in data resources that are modulated upon the data tran Read More
Public speaking is a critical skill every employee must have. Here are 5 reason why you should invest in your employees to become better public speaker. Read More
However skilled a manager you might be, if you’re looking into expanding (or even just for saving time and money) then you might want to look into some tools for making everything run smoothly and easily for your business.
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Want to add every post on your blog to your Buffer queue, complete with images and automatically generated hashtags?

In this post, you’ll learn to:

1. Export a CSV of your posts from WordPress
2. Tidy up the CSV to include only URLs and titles of your posts
3. Automatically include hashtags Read More

Better Alternatives to "Expert Roundup"-Style Content

Avatar Posted by Liz_062 under Strategy
From 2752 days ago
Made Hot by: bizyolk on March 12, 2017 3:21 pm
Thinking of publishing an expert roundup? Don't—there's a better way. In this Whiteboard Friday, Rand explains why expert roundups aren't the best use of your time and effort, and how to pivot your strategy to create similar content that'll make the juice worth the squeeze. Read More
What is the real value of a great customer experience? And once you know, how do you create one?

Join our experts as they provide actionable steps to create an amazing customer experience with your brand. Read More
This post seeks to identify the process and metrics you can use to identify both sales’ and marketing’s contributions to revenue. Read More
From September 1st 2015 to June 23rd 2016 the polls were clear that Britain would vote to remain in the EU.

According to the Financial Times, there were only two weeks over that period where the Leave campaign were ahead.
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How do you cover as many keywords as it is humanly possible? Benjamin Brandall shares his methods to find 12K relevant keywords for his content strategy. Read More

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