Liz_062 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

The franchise model of doing business is a decidedly American affair.

The concept marries the power and scale efficiencies of large corporate bodies with the entrepreneurialism and hard work of mom-and-pop small business.
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Don't expend enormous amounts of time and energy on your small business if you are operating in treadmill mode. You will stay in exactly the same spot. But, if you exert the same effort, in conveyor belt mode, results will be vastly different. Get off your treadmill and onto a conveyor system to Read More
Most business owners think that once they hire a new employee all the hard work is done. Wrong. Attracting and retaining employees is an ongoing process. On-boarding new people is an opportunity for you to nurture the relationship you just started.
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There is no getting one for the Gipper in sales. There is only you and the effort involved in achieving commitments. Use your coach to focus on things that result in specific improvements. Read More
Optimized sales cadences are vital; they’re the emails and calls you send to new leads as an attempt to cement their interest and boost your conversions. Read More
How Small Businesses Can Do Low Cost SEO To Grow Online

For many small businesses online marketing can seem near impossible, but you can achieve low cost SEO to grow your business online.

How to Design Your SEO and Online Marketing Campaign on a Limited Budget? Read More
You know you need to do it, yet few of us do.

Some experts say it’s best to spend 50% of your time writing content and the other 50% promoting it.

But of the possible ways to promote, which is most important?
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Lean is a system, method, school of thought, and even a way of life, all focused on reducing waste. Although it’s usually applied to manufacturing (hence “lean manufacturing principles”), the methods to achieve it can be used to reduce waste while maintaining high quality no matter what operation y Read More

Social Selling Strategy

Avatar Posted by bitterbusiness under Sales
From 2420 days ago
Made Hot by: bloggerpalooza on February 5, 2018 11:40 am
Having a Social selling strategy as part of a digitally focused sales strategy is a no brainer for many forward-thinking sales organizations. What they have come to realize is that Social selling is about utilizing the data available via the social channels to aid in their overall sales strategies Read More
Any entrepreneur or business owner knows that the only way to scale their business effectively is by having Standard Operating Procedures in place.
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