LymeLightWebs voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Guest post by Hal Licino It may be fashionable in some corners of the blogosphere to dismiss email marketing as a fossilized Jurassic remnant from the... Read More
Effective commenting is an art and when done correctly, it can raise your profile, establish your credibility, drive more traffic to your site and gain you new readers. Read More

Time: How To S-T-R-E-T-C-H Your Day

Avatar Posted by tyoungbl under Sales
From 4888 days ago
Made Hot by: jkennedy on March 10, 2011 7:29 am
Do you have enough time? Does any sales rep have enough time to get it all done? And how about our customers? How many of them have enough time? How often are they just too darn busy to meet with us? Maybe even more significant, how about the whole network of decision influencers within each o Read More
Building trust is crucial in business, and it becomes more difficult when the first line of communication is via the internet. Here are five less typical suggestions. Read More
An article from Entrepreneur about why (the author thinks) the ruthless dictator wins in the world of small business is sure to raise your blood pressure. Knowing that there are people out there who are misled into this kind of extreme thinking is almost scary Read More

7 Deadly Blog Writing Sins

Avatar Posted by amabaie under Social Media
From 5124 days ago
Made Hot by: argentisgroup on July 17, 2010 2:08 pm
These days, many people have started a blog for hobby or business. The trouble is, with so much competition out there, your blog really has to stand out from the crowd. In fact, not only does your blog need to stand out from the average ones that are popping up every day, but you also need to compete with established blogs, with their loyal fan bases, that have been around for years. In short, in order to have any impact whatsoever, good is just not good enough. Your blog has to be excellent Read More
Hello I am Ofira, another of Yoni's partners from JobShuk. I've been working with him all day at his home. "Since you vote on BizSugar, why not post an article." Okay Yoni!

Here is a great article and video on making your business Hip-Hop Cool Read More

The Choice

Avatar Posted by iannarino under Sales
From 5130 days ago
Made Hot by: argentisgroup on July 17, 2010 2:09 pm
It is your duty as a salesperson to do everything in your power to ensure that you win deals. This means that you have to take action—even when taking action is difficult or uncomfortable Read More
Who knew? The government says that if you don't want to pay your interns, you can't expect much - if anything - in return. Makes sense, but how many business do you think fail to observe the laws in place to protect unpaid interns Read More
Hi, folks. Put this together as kind of a more in depth exploration of how you go about creating real community on BizSugar or any other social media site you might participate in whether large or small. Thankfully, there are many others among our regular users here at BizSugar who are equally adept at building community through social media so I thought it would be great if everyone could pitch in with some suggestions as I'm sure there are things that could be added here. Besides, getting others' input is what social media is all about, right? Thanks, in advance, for your contributions! You can comment here or on the blog post by following the link. Read More

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