MarketWiz voted on the following stories on BizSugar

What is Material Design? It's both a philosophy and a rulebook—Google's guiding design principles that every Android app must adhere to. It's crucial for UI design, but it touches just about every other aspect of an Android app, as well, making it valuable to know before you embark on the developme Read More
What is Material Design? It's both a philosophy and a rulebook—Google's guiding design principles that every Android app must adhere to. It's crucial for UI design, but it touches just about every other aspect of an Android app, as well, making it valuable to know before you embark on the developme Read More
Video is quickly becoming established as the go-to option for marketing professionals. The rapid growth of high-speed internet connections has seen online video consumption explode. By 2017, 74% of all internet traffic is expected to be video. Read More
How do you determine where you should focus your marketing efforts? Should you focus your marketing efforts offline or online? Which should have priority? Read More
Do millennials have a higher or lower work ethic compared to past generations? This blog provides actionable tips on hiring millennials with high work ethic. Read More
If gardening is something you love, then you have probably thought about starting a gardening blog. After all, anyone with a computer can set up a blog and add some posts sharing their knowledge.

However, if you want to have a truly successful gardening blog, there is a little more to it than th Read More
If gardening is something you love, then you have probably thought about starting a gardening blog. After all, anyone with a computer can set up a blog and add some posts sharing their knowledge.

However, if you want to have a truly successful gardening blog, there is a little more to it than th Read More
When we look at our content marketing analytics, the low-performers can teach us just as much as the winners. Read More

Success Requires the Quality of Persistence

Avatar Posted by CorporateCoachG under Self-Development
From 2869 days ago
Made Hot by: Copysugar on November 17, 2016 9:50 am
Whenever you fail, don't give up on your goal. Instead, rewrite your plan. Some people, whenever they meet any setback or defeat, see it as a signal to change their goal, instead of their plan. Read More
I have racked up a number of bugbears to which sales reps wittingly or unwittingly subject me and, no doubt, other prospective clients. Read More

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