MarketWiz voted on the following stories on BizSugar

5 Marketing Campaigns that Provoked Negative Reactions

Avatar Posted by smpayton under Marketing
From 2962 days ago
Made Hot by: thelastword on August 15, 2016 8:32 am
Ever had that awkward moment when you see an advert and go ‘Oh no, guys, just no’? Sometimes, negative marketing campaigns can deliver great results, though often it’s met with controversy and condemnation. Marketing might be all about getting it right, but these are five campaigns that failed mise Read More
Even with all the changes in the business world in recent years, business lunches remain a popular activity for professionals in a variety of industries. But when trying to appeal to young professionals — whether clients, employees or new business partners — finding the trendy lunch spots for thos Read More
Marketing to Millennials shouldn't be any different than marketing in general, right? Actually, that's wrong. Here's how to create a marketing strategy that authentically appeals to the Millennial audience and builds brand loyalty. Read More
Here are some hacks from SecurionPay's Adam Wesolowski that can help you crack the conversion code for your ecommerce landing pages. All of the tweaks that you make to your site can add up to double and triple digit conversions. Read More
The following offers some useful tips for online and offline retailers looking to score more back to school shoppers at the tail end of summer this year. Read More

Twitter Follower: A question from a reader answered

Avatar Posted by davidlowbridge under Social Media
From 2963 days ago
Made Hot by: fusionswim on August 13, 2016 10:44 am
When a recent blog post got a question, we responded. The problem was our response was long. So we decided to take their question about Twitter Advertising and follow limits and make it into a blog post. You can read our answer here. Read More
This shouldn’t be surprising that we have become dependent on our smartphones, tablets and laptops. That is quite a fact to be honest. We invest lot of our time looking for anything and everything. Read More
Writing blog content is one of the best ways to generate traffic and inbound links to your site. Marketers who blog consistently see up to 97% more organic links generated for their site. Guest blogging greatly contributes to that number if you’ve made that part of your content marketing strategy. Read More
Here is what happened in search today, as reported on Search Engine Land and from other places across the web. Read More
At the beginning of the career, every writer who has approached a platform to try to set up his work would have faced this problem once. Assume that you have an article ready. You have approached a great medium to publish your article on their platform. You are eagerly waiting for their response, b Read More

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