MyCorporation voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Mindset is probably the major determinant of success in pretty much every walk of life. In other words, the thinking patterns you habitually adopt largely govern the results you achieve. Read More
Each and every small businesses love to grab maximum exposure, understanding and sense of community that is only possible by having a website, which is a daily destination for consumers.
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15 Things Successful Entrepreneurs Do Every Day

15 Things Successful Entrepreneurs Do Every Day  - Avatar Posted by johnfaust under Resources
From 3652 days ago
Made Hot by: JoshRed on July 16, 2014 2:21 pm
The most effective entrepreneurs know they need to invest in themselves if they want to grow their business. Here are some habits to embrace. Read More

Why Should I Write a Book as an Entrepreneur? [podcast]

Why Should I Write a Book as an Entrepreneur? [podcast] - Avatar Posted by lyceum under Self-Development
From 3652 days ago
Made Hot by: blogexpert on July 17, 2014 1:22 pm
In this podcast, I am trying to answer the questions on why I am writing a book on my favorite beverage, tea, and how this process has something to do with building my personal brand as an entrepreneur. Read More
Does your business use social media channels to target the right customer base? Learn more here! Each channel is very unique... Read More

7 Simple Tips To Help Your Blog Posts Get Discovered

7 Simple Tips To Help Your Blog Posts Get Discovered - Avatar Posted by Carol_Amato under Strategy
From 3652 days ago
Made Hot by: problogger78 on July 16, 2014 2:39 pm
You may have the greatest ideas for blog posts, but when you sit down to write, the words just won’t come. Or, worse – you write the post and sit back, waiting for it to go viral and no one comments and there’s no surge of traffic to your site. What happened? Was your idea a flop? Read More
Blogging is a full time job and if you’re not highly motivated, you will find it very difficult because, it’s not easy at all. We all know that blogging cannot be everyone’s business and if everyone is to do it then, it will end up becoming a child’s play….. Don’t you agree with me? Read More
I will provide tips to remember when using your social media and how to use social media to get ahead, impress recruiters and stay out of trouble with the boss. Read More
Miss out on MyCorp's 50 states of incorporation series? We've got all 50 states archived on our blog so you can learn how to incorporate or form an LLC from coast to coast!
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It’s officially summer—which means, along with the warmer weather and casual officewear, your business may also be sporting some fresh faces added to the team this season, as summer is traditionally a popular time to hire new employees. But what are businesses looking for when they decide to hire i Read More

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