NetworkSolutions voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Where do companies that sell BtoB get most of their leads? According to a 2011 National Marketing and Sales Study recently released by Demandbase and Focus, a business’s website is the second most important source of new sales leads, second only to personal connections/referrals. But for the most p Read More
Mobile marketing is the hottest buzzword around these days. With consumers using their smartphones to do just about everything, putting your marketing message in their pocket is clearly a good idea. But any time you’re talking about mobile, privacy issues raise their heads. While consumers have cle Read More
Despite qualms about a possible double-dip recession and lots of uncertain economic indicators, companies by and large aren’t planning to cut their IT budgets, InformationWeek reports.
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The small business hiring trend that started in October 2009 continued this past month. The most recent Intuit Small Business Employment Index found that small business employment grew by 0.3 percent in September, adding up to an annual growth rate of 3.3 percent. Hours worked and compensation incr Read More
With the news media abuzz about consumer outrage over new fees that Bank of America plans to charge customers to use their debit cards, retail industry lobbyists say the time is ripe to focus on a related issue: credit card interchange fees.
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What does it really mean for your business when someone “likes” your page on Facebook? recently took a look at users’ behavior when they like a brand and what you can expect them to do (and how your business can benefit).
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A tough economy isn’t cutting into overall luxury fashion and accessories spending; in fact, it’s bringing some new consumers into the luxury fold, according to the latest 2011 Spend Sights Special Report: Global Luxury Fashion Spending from American Express Business Insights.
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Your small business’s online advertising may be getting more results than you think—even if users are not directly clicking on your ads. New research from CrowdScience showed more than half of Internet users worldwide had clicked on an online advertisement in the past six months. And even if they d Read More
If you’re a frequent business traveler like I am, you may have already noticed some of the following trends taking place in hotels nationwide. Some are good, some are not-so-good. Here are six changes CBS News recently reported on that might affect your next business trip.
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Whether your business is embracing social media to grow your customer base, or whether your employees are Facebooking on their work computers, social media is becoming an integral part of more and more small business workplaces. But few companies are taking the crucial steps to keep their networks Read More

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