NetworkSolutions voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Small businesses seeking capital in Michigan have a new source of options thanks to the Small Business Administration. The SBA last month announced that InvestMichigan! Mezzanine Fund will be the first licensed Impact Investment Fund in the SBA’s new Impact Investment Initiative. The $130 million v Read More
Are you a business-to-business marketer looking for new prospects who own growing firms? Are you a trend-watcher looking to spy up-and-coming new trends your business can profit from? If either of these descriptions fits you, you could benefit from paying attention to the growing trend of crowdfund Read More
Are you getting ready to hire employees to ramp up your business after years of running short-staffed? Or maybe you just need to replace an employee who’s retiring or leaving for other reasons.
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Where do you fit into the five types of business travelers uncovered in a recent Global Business Travel Association survey? The survey of about 800 businesspeople who travel at least 4 times annually on business found that business travelers fall into five categories:
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Are you considering making a move with your small business? If you’re thinking about expanding to a second location, moving your current location or even buying the building you operate from, now could be the time to act. The New York Times recently reported that although it’s not quite as much of Read More
The Credit Card Accountability Responsibility and Disclosure (CARD) Act extended lots of protections to consumer credit cardholders. Thanks to the CARD act, credit card issuers can’t raise rates without notice, add penalty rates to existing balances or charge fees higher than the amounts that are o Read More
If you’re looking for angel capital, what’s the best way to boost your chances of success? Does it depend on your connections? Your business plan? The images you use in your PowerPoint presentation?
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Are you likely to get audited by the IRS this year? The IRS is cracking down and expanding its investigations into more groups of taxpayers, The Fiscal Times recently reported.
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How crucial is wireless technology to your small business’ success? If you’re like the majority of small and midsized business owners, the answer is “very,” according to a new study published by The survey identified 71 percent of small and midsized businesses (SMBs) as “mobile busin Read More
You hear music every day when you’re out shopping or at restaurants. Most of the time, it’s just “background.” But did you ever stop to think about how that background music could be affecting what you do and buy? If you’re a retailer or restaurant owner, you should be.
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