NetworkSolutions voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Hispanic business owners are starting companies at twice the rate of the general population—but they also face some crucial financial challenges, reports Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company’s (MassMutual) new “Business Owner Financial Wellness Study.”
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Do you remember when “home-based business” was a term you had to define? When the idea of working from home was foreign to most people and entrepreneurs who did so were viewed with suspicion?
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With the economy seemingly back on a roller coaster of uncertainty amid talk that a double-dip recession may be in our future, it’s time to take a closer look at the controls you have in place to protect your company from financial losses. One area you should be concerned about is the contracts you Read More
These days, the economy is on a wild ride, and pundits and news outlets are all watching economic indicators with bated breath. But what economic indicators really matter to your small business, and how can you keep track of them yourself to make sure you don’t miss a trick? Here are 5 resources yo Read More
Are you considering moving your business to a new location, or just want to see how your state stacks up in comparison to others? The University of Nebraska-Lincoln’s Bureau of Business Research and Department of Economics recently released its State Entrepreneurship Index (SEI). This nationwide an Read More
Feeling burned out on social media? You’re not alone. While social media is a great tool for small business owners, the sheer volume of social media options and the time required to stay on top of your social media accounts can make even the most energetic entrepreneur want to say “Uncle.”
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Is your business looking to hire? Well, consider these numbers:

Some 1 million military veterans are unemployed.
Among veterans who joined the military post-9/11, the jobless rate is 13.3 percent.
More than 1 million more service members are projected to leave the military between 2011 and 201 Read More
As the economy continues to seesaw, consumers are continuing to seek deals. A new study from consumer research firm Scarborough Research found coupon usage for household items is up 24 percent since 2006.
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The best way to market to your customers online is to know what they’re doing on the Web. And according to the latest data from the Pew Internet & American Life Project, search and email still dominate the list of online activities for most Americans.
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Are you using social media tools like Facebook and Twitter to market your business? Are you concerned about what’s being said about your company, your products and your services online? Even if your business is not actively involved in social media as a promotional tool, word can be spreading about Read More

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