OpenSourceMedia voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Have you ever wondered how to add a "Notify me of new posts by email" checkbox by your blog's Comments form? This will tell you the exact program that's used. It also includes two other tools helpful in building a subscriber list. Read More
It’s never been easy to be a large business, when I worked at IBM the employees often described the company as “a slow moving dinosaur”. It wasn’t anything ‘personal’ about IBM, it was the fact that it was so large that it took longer for messages to be filtered down through the masses. It was also Read More
Social media management is the professional version of social media marekting. This means that as a social manager, you are tweeting, blogging, and posting on behalf of someone other than yourself. This could be in an agency or consultancy setting, or for a corporation or brand. Sending tweets and Read More
Varied streams of monetization is the name of the internet marketing game. Here's 5 sizzling tips to increase your blog earning from top affiliate marketer Lisa Irby. Read More
Have you been putting social media marketing on your “to do” list? Perhaps you have set up a business Facebook page and Twitter account and have not found the time to post or tweet as often as you had hoped. What if you were shown fascinating statistics on how social media has become an essential Read More
Keyword selection is as much art as it is science. The overall goal of keyword selection is to find words that you think potential customers will enter when searching for the product you are offering. Learn how to balance search volume and competition to find the right mix for your website. Read More

7 Natural Advantages of Small Business

Avatar Posted by ricoramiro under Online Marketing
From 4305 days ago
Made Hot by: BIZantium on December 8, 2012 11:33 pm
So, while I will talk about marketing strategy and the growing impact of online behavior, I’ll start off sharing my view of the natural advantages of owning and growing a small business.... Read More
No salesperson ever sets out to give a buyer the hump, but that is what appears to be happening with increasingly regularity. Sellers are making obvious mistakes that can result in immediate disqualification. Read More

What marketing experience means

Avatar Posted by amabaie under Customer Service
From 4306 days ago
Made Hot by: tallpoppy100K on December 9, 2012 6:35 pm
True story highlighting the importance of differentiating between knowledge and experience. Experience does not mean you know everything. It does, however, mean that you have a pretty good idea where to look and how to evaluate what you find. Read More
Find out why trying to make video content go viral may be a complete waste of time. Get a better marketing strategy for your online marketing videos! Read More

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