OpenSourceMedia voted on the following stories on BizSugar

In this final installment of notes on Brendon Burchard’s Marketing Strategy For Experts you’ll discover “The Millionaire Marketing Formula” and why HBA + DVG x ESP + HVS + SOS = MORE MONEY FOR YOU Read More
If you’re a coach, consultant, copywriter or someone who sells how-to learning products for your niche and you want to be more like the people who have hoards of die hard loyal fans who buy everything they’re offered, pay close attention to what you see here Read More
Elvis, Neil, and Fred have taught us: movie piracy may be a good thing for movie studios. How good? Ask the folks at TorrentFreak about this business change. Read More
‘Tis the season for gift giving. When you’re making your list and checking it twice, don’t forget to include the people that support you the most during the year — your employees. Even if giving gifts is not your personal tradition, remember that simple tokens of appreciation go a long way in showi Read More
Breakdown of the increasing trends in automation and what this means for the future. The prospect of long term jobs does not look good. Read More
When you run a home business, you are your own brand. How you look matters. For years, I’ve been using pictures taken by me as profile images and as professional images. Finally, I decided to have someone who knows what they’re doing take the pictures. Read More
You probably feel busy, running from place to place, trying to get everything done. The truth, though, is that you likely waste more time than you think. Capture that wasted time, and turn it into productive time. Read More
As soon as Facebook unveiled cover photos, brands began creating apps to capitalize on this new real estate and spread their message to fans. Companies like Mountain Dew made it easy to be the first of your friends to have a cool cover photo design, provided you didn’t mind a little of their brandi Read More
The PR Verdict: "A" (PR Perfect) for the royal family. They scooped the media and accentuated the positive aspect of the news.
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Everyone in the internet marketing sphere knows that content creation is the key to a successful online business. Well, here's 2 highly effective tips on how to get your content creation process stared. Read More

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