OpenSourceMedia voted on the following stories on BizSugar

“For Martha Stewart’s New Fans, Tattoos Meet Appliqué,” a recent article in The New York Times, reported that a number of edgy young artistic types have recently discovered Martha Stewart. They are looking at her and what she sells though a new lens, and liking what they see.
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Research shows that networking can increase your sales significantly. In a recent study of over 12,000 professionals around the world, those that spent over six hours a week networking could count on nearly half of all sales coming through referrals.
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Learning to communicate to a global audience is one key to success in international markets. Sometimes it can be the greatest challenge. Here some members of the BizSugar community talk about the difficulties involved. Read More
December is all about "project planning" for the new year. You're planning content projects, marketing campaigns, sales goals etc, but have you gotten around to planning your social media strategy for 2013?

If not, you need to.

Planning a social strategy is a bit tougher than one might think. Read More
With more than 300,000 employees in over 90 countries, HP is a large company by anyone’s standards. This size and scale allows them to make an impact in a way that smaller organizations cannot. Read More
Is buying a franchise with a well-known brand a wise play? It is--sometimes. But, you can't control what the "brand" does. For example, lousy PR about an event that occurred all the way on the other side of the country can damage a franchisee's business. Read More
The holidays tend to complicate small business payrolls, what with employees looking to earn a little extra cash and owners needing coverage for extended hours or shifts. But not all employers must pay overtime and not all employees are eligible. Confused? Here’s what you need to know about your ob Read More

What makes a great online editor-in-chief?

Avatar Posted by Sian Phillips under Online Marketing
From 4306 days ago
Made Hot by: Small Business Bluesman on December 9, 2012 5:42 pm
In my last post, I claimed you were one employee away from a successful site. I suggested that the employee was an editor-in-chief.

A person who would oversee your online presence, set its direction, implement its roadmap and ensure its quality.

So what makes a great online editor? Read More
When you use content marketing to innovate your story and how you tell your story… you become the competition. It all starts with… Read More
Richard Branson Doesn't Do Everything In His Businesses So Why Should You! Make Yourself Dispensable.
Want to grow your micro business? Then you need to identify and outsource tasks which just aren't worth you doing. Find out why NOW. Read More

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