OpenSourceMedia voted on the following stories on BizSugar

One of our employees was at a recent SEO roundtable discussion where an inquiring mind asked “how do you find the best SEO company?” Another member of the discussion replied by saying “look at the company’s SEO. It’s like hiring a personal trainer; you would want to look for someone who was in good Read More
SEO is a long term process. It takes time to see results from efforts, but as long as you did a good job of optimizing your site and are regularly building links and keeping active in social media you should begin to see an improvement. What many businesses make the mistake of doing is putting too Read More
Part 4 of Copyblogger's CFO, Sean Jackson's guest blog series on the Buzz focuses on keyword research and back-linking strategies, two key components of an effective small business website. Read More
Recently I had the chance to interview Viktar Khamianok, the creator of the SEO software SEO PowerSuite and There are plenty of SEO software products that do one thing really well, but SEO PowerSuite was designed to give site owners all the tools they needed to create, execute a Read More
Moving into your first "official" space can be an exciting time for a small business startup, but don't let the excitement cloud your judgement. Remember - it's a negotiation. Guest poster Clare Moorhouse offers some great tips on negotiating your first space. Read More
It’s no surprise that our addiction to mobile devices has made them game-changers in the workplace as well. Many companies are realizing that anchoring employees to a desk just doesn’t make business sense. Read More
Small companies realize they are ever more vulnerable to security breaches, but few of them fully appreciate the ramifications of an IT infrastructure break-in. Or even something far more likely such as a stolen credit card number.

That's just one of the high-level takeaways from the new State o Read More
Niche blogs are topic specific blogs which can attract more targeted traffic compared to a general blog. Find out the importance of niche blogging and the list of niche topics that pay high [...] Read More
The short answer is yes, most small businesses can benefit from keeping a blog. While it may feel like you're adding one more thing to an already overburdened to-do list, there are several sound reasons why maintaining a blog makes sense, especially from a small business marketing perspective Read More
Are you looking to get more from your mobile website? Here's a downloadable guide with three ways to improve your mobile web presence. Read More

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