OpenSourceMedia voted on the following stories on BizSugar

There are many books and articles about business plan writing. Many will go into pages and pages of detail about what should be included in each section, but all of this is really not necessary. How to write a business plan on a page. Read More
If you want to achieve success in the workplace, you have to know what things you need to avoid in order to smoothly climb the corporate ladder. Best practices are cliché so let us look at the other side of things. Find out the 5 words that you should never speak (and think) of.
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Press releases don't have to cost an arm and a leg. I personally don't pay a ton for them. There are better alternatives to paying $300 a pop. Read More
SEMrush is a professional software for search and marketing professionals, and SEO enthusiast. It provides the user with important SEO data, metrics, and more... Running a [giveaway] for 2 PRO accounts Read More
When is it the time to push the RESET button - forget your Panda/Penguin-hit business website and start all over again with a new one? Read More
Interview with Pete Bott, Blacks Solicitors LLP, Leeds on Social Media Law

I have recently been inundated with queries around the use of photos, music, and videos online. Social media offers huge opportunities for sharing and promotion, but many people and organisations remain in the dark about Read More
In These Notes on Brendon Burchard’s Marketing Strategy For Experts You’ll See The Systematic Thinking That Makes Million Dollar Plus Launches Possible For Coaches & Consultants Who Sell Information Products or Services   Read More
Is My Privacy Protected?  Facebook Post privacy is one of the most asked about questions here on  I have a super useful post that covers how to control which of your posts are seen by your friends and family.  Read More

What You Need To Know About Facebook Edgerank

Avatar Posted by tiroberts under Social Media
From 4304 days ago
Made Hot by: Marketing_Mashup on December 6, 2012 4:44 am
Business is getting tough on Facebook.  Your fans are no longer seeing your posts, and you may be losing opportunities to engage your followers.  You need to be aware of "Facebook Edgerank) which is the algorithm that ranks posts and updates in news feeds. Read More

How to Increase Reader Engagement with Images

Avatar Posted by tiroberts under Online Marketing
From 4304 days ago
Made Hot by: Ileane on December 6, 2012 8:18 am
High bounce rate will get you frustrated as a blogger. Yours is more like a blog without traffic if you generate thousands of visitors a day that leave your blog the next second.... Read More

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