Pixel_pro voted on the following stories on BizSugar

New Image Requirements Spotted in AdWords Responsive Ads
If you advertise on Google’s pay-per-click (PPC) platform AdWords, you should take note of new image requirements that were recently spotted in responsive ads. Read More
Email and text subscriptions are an easy and fast way to reach your consumers.

According to Fox Business, 97% of text messages are opened within minutes of being sent.

The Huffington Post has also found that workers in the U.S. are spending an average of 6.3 hours a day checking their Read More
Published in the Journal of Marketing, this study sheds light on the importance of strong engagement in social media marketing campaigns.

Researchers combed through data from several large retailers, all of whom had multiple locations within the United States. For the study, researchers specific Read More
Google Adds Store Visits and Distance Reporting to AdWords
Head’s up retail store owners: you can now find store visits and distance reporting data within your Google AdWords campaigns.

The Mountain View company announced this new reporting feature earlier this month, enhancing the effective Read More
Brands can kick off the new year with a strong social media presence, allowing them to generate more leads and sales.
As 2016 comes to an end, there’s no better time than now to step up your social media marketing efforts. So if you’re looking to improve your social standings, here are a few essen Read More
6 Tips for Building a Larger Following on Twitter for Your Business
Building a larger following on Twitter should be a key focus when using Twitter as a social media marketing platform for your business. Read More
Get your content firing on all cylinders this Holiday season with these 6 tips to supercharge your small business content marketing strategy.
Content marketing has become a hot topic among small business owners and digital marketers and for good reason. It’s a powerful form of inbound marketing th Read More
Google AdWords to Launch New Click to Text Message Extension
Adwords marketers are always looking for ways to enhance their PPC campaigns and the new click to text message extension could be a great way to improve ROI.

Extensions are a great way to enhance your AdWords campaigns, adding new fun Read More
op Social Media Marketing Tools for Optimizing Campaigns
Learn how the top 3 social media marketing tools can help you optimize social campaigns by targeting and engaging your audience on a whole new level.

Social media should be a fundamental component of every small business’s digital mar Read More
Using WordPress Plugins To Enhance Search Engine Optimization
This post will cover the top search engine optimization elements that using WordPress Plugins can help you automate and enhance.

WordPress website optimization seems like a walk in the park, thanks to the numerous SEO plugins that W Read More

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