SaadAhmadkhan voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Is it possible to measure the relationship between marketing and firm success? Linking a firm's success to its marketing efforts is a classic challenge. In March of 2014, Visibility and ALL-STATE LEGAL surveyed marketing professionals within law and accounting firms to understand how these professi Read More
Employee engagement is the new buzzword of business, and it’s something we hear all the time when it comes to Lean Six Sigma deployments.

Most of us will know that engagement improves productivity, but it’s less clear on how else it can help the business. 100% Effective’s infographic illustrates Read More
The infographic below gives the visual breakdown of how much time millennials are spending with User-Generated-Content, where they're getting it and how it's affecting the media landscape. Read More

The History of Media Storage #infographic

The History of Media Storage #infographic - Avatar Posted by SaadAhmadkhan under Technology
From 3715 days ago
Made Hot by: marketingvalue on May 3, 2014 4:59 am
A look at media storage through history, since 1725 when the punch card was introduced to future technology such as the holographic disc, check out the infographic. Read More
To show you how you can more effectively leverage Google+, quicksprout created an infographic that will break down the steps you need to take to gain more traffic from Google’s social network. Read More
Social media has come a long way in the last few years. What was once thought to be a medium for connecting with family and friends, soon became a channel for brands and businesses to connect with consumers. The transition, while at times bumpy as brands learned the limitations the new medium has, Read More
How would you like to get more Twitter followers? How about more of the right Twitter followers? Read below, and you’ll learn how to perfect your profile, craft a quality tweet, manage your account(s) in a timely manner, figure out when you should post and how to break the fear of promoting your ac Read More
Hashtags are user-controlled category markings for posts on most social media platforms. (It's not just for Twitter anymore!) Strategic, consistent use of hashtags is an effective way to create and expand "buzz" for your organization, brand, event or cause - or even yourself! Read More
An infographic, that presents the essential components of an effective marketing plan and focuses on the areas that needs to be considered in a successful digital marketing strategy. Read More
How do you create a loyal blog audience? Well, it comes down to a few variables. For example, responding to comments will help you build a connection with your readers, who will be more likely to come back more often. Other elements, such as story telling and having opinions, help as well. 82% of Read More

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