SaadAhmadkhan voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Social media has gone from strength to strength with user numbers continuing to rise by the day and new social media platforms being born and bought every other month. We take a look at some of the big players in social media and also a look at the mobile. The introduction of the smartphone has roc Read More
Blogging plays an essential role in any content marketing strategy and is a seriously effective way of gaining more website traffic, leads and customers. They help improve your search ranking and get your business seen on Google. There are many factors that go into creating an effective blog post t Read More
If Americans limited their time of sitting by three hours the average lifespan would be extended two years. Use these simple excuses to stand every hour to extend your own life expectancy. Read More

How to Sell Without Selling #infographic

How to Sell Without Selling #infographic - Avatar Posted by SaadAhmadkhan under Marketing
From 3711 days ago
Made Hot by: NanoTechnologyMedia on May 9, 2014 8:23 am
Have you ever heard of the saying: “If your prospects feels like you are selling to them, then you are doing it wrong.” Here's a break down of how to sell without actually selling to your clients.
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No matter what business you are in, wireless technology is causing disruption. According to Gartner, the top two Strategic Technology Trends For 2014 are: Mobile Device Diversity & Management and Mobile Apps & Applications. Read More
What is big data and how can it increase your profit? Big data is way more than a buzzword. In fact, it’s a useful new way for retailers to understand how to better serve their customers and see an increase in profit. 80% of all the data in the world was created in just the past 2 years, so creatin Read More
Do you know there is really a science to making shareable content or post? Actually there is a rocket science which attracts users to follow, like, retweet and comment on your post.. It is interesting to know that creating shareable post or content is a scientific process and follows certain princi Read More
To show you how you can reduce the number of options on your site, quicksprout decided to create an infographic that breaks down different strategies that will help you increase your conversion rate. Read More
To help explain the importance of content marketing, quicksprout put together an infographic to show you how content marketing impacts search engine rankings and how you can use it to help grow your business. Read More
When you think about conversion optimization, what comes to mind? Testing colors, call-to-action buttons, headlines, and other elements including text, right? To show you how you can use typography to increase your conversion rate, quicksprout created an infographic take a look. Read More

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