SaadAhmadkhan voted on the following stories on BizSugar

An infographic about web design and the importance of visual content. Looks are everything making a good good first impression and keeping visitors on your website almost entirely dependent on design. Read More
Social network users are more active than ever - some 73% of online adults now use a social networking site of some kind. But new research also shows 61% strongly or somewhat dislike over-sharing on social media; other reports show signs of disinterest and boredom. Read More

Can Social Media Help You Find A Job? #infographic

Can Social Media Help You Find A Job? #infographic - Avatar Posted by SaadAhmadkhan under Social Media
From 3722 days ago
Made Hot by: Webdev1 on April 26, 2014 12:10 am
We asked over 2,000 workers from across the UK for their views on using social media to find their next job. Want to know where in the UK people are most inclined to find work on Facebook? Or hoping to see how many keep their social profiles up to date for prospective hiring managers? We have the a Read More

Do's and Dont's of Mobile App Marketing #infographic

Do's and Dont's of Mobile App Marketing #infographic - Avatar Posted by SaadAhmadkhan under Marketing
From 3722 days ago
Made Hot by: bloggerpalooza on April 25, 2014 8:27 am
There are several things that should every app developer keep in mind in order to market the app. These do's and don'ts will help in getting more downloads. Read More
What are the chances of humans marrying robotic companions? How about dream downloads? Moon hotel? Take a look at top 10 innovations by 2050 Read More
Data is being created every day without us even noticing it. Given how much information is floating around these days, it's tempting to talk about big data only in terms of size. Big data describes the massive avalanche of digital activity pulsating through cables and airwaves, but it also describe Read More

How Do You Teach Social Media Etiquette #infographic

How Do You Teach Social Media Etiquette #infographic - Avatar Posted by SaadAhmadkhan under Social Media
From 3724 days ago
Made Hot by: sundaydriver on April 23, 2014 11:26 pm
Along with the great power of social media comes great responsibility to use it properly. This infographic outlines some basic rules of social media etiquette. Read More
An infographic that shares the current and future trends of mobile usage take a look at the below infographic and know the trends and usage of mobile web. Read More
This infographic by SmartBear Software explains the basics of what APIs are, how we use them, and why it’s so important to understand the technological, economic, and social changes that are developing as a result of the API Revolution. Read More
On the surface, social media networks like Google+, Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn function in a similar manner: you can post original content, you can comment on or share other people's content, you can give kudos to others. For businesses using social media networks to build their brand awareness Read More

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