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10 Crucial Consumer Trends For 2013 [Infographic]

10 Crucial Consumer Trends For 2013 [Infographic] - Avatar Posted by SaadAhmadkhan under Marketing
From 3835 days ago
Made Hot by: thecorneroffice on December 26, 2013 8:53 pm
2013 will be the perfect storm of necessity and opportunity: some economies will do OK, others will be shaky, but whatever market or industry you're in, those who understand and cater to changing consumer needs, desires and expectations will forever have plenty of opportunity to profit. A remapped Read More
2014 Marketing Trends & Tips from experts across the web. From social media to search engine marketing, this infographic features a few key things to focus on in 2014: local content, mobile, and more take a look on the infographic. Read More
This year, 35% of shoppers plan to buy their gifts at local, small businesses. How to thrive rather than just survive during the holiday season with helpful tips and eye-opening stats about consumers and their behavior during the holidays. This small business advice is sure to help owners get throu Read More
19% The MENA region saw the highest unemployment rate in the world. Check out this infographic “Employment In The Middle East Statistics and Trends ” to know more about the employment industry, career opportunities, and hiring expectancy and job trends in Middle East. Read More
Much of our lives are now spent online, and as in the physical world, we leave traces everywhere, from emails to shared photos, product reviews, Tweets and Facebook status updates. But what happens to all of this after we die? Can we live on forever? Would we want to? Read More
Conversion optimization is one of the effective tasks for online merchants to increase online store revenue. Online merchants, who don’t have idea about how to optimize eCommerce conversion effectively, can go through this infographics to enhance conversion rates. Read More
All companies want social media buzz. But not all buzz is created equal. Let’s look at the companies that made a stir in 2013 for all the wrong reasons see the infographic. Read More
A closer look on the behavior of Saudi users on social networks. The people of Saudi Arabia have adopted social media as readily as any other region in the world, with the Kingdom’s 33 percent Twitter penetration rate significantly better than any other territory on the globe, and second only to In Read More
Friday might be fun, but Tuesday’s the day to get stuff done. Tuesday once again ranked as the most productive day of the week, according to a new Accountemps survey of managers see the infographic. Read More
Social Care: a system for companies to regularly provide customer service through social media platforms. Take a look on the infographic that how social media is sharing customer service. Read More

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