ScottDudley voted on the following stories on BizSugar

The people that succeed with an internet business seem to have one common trait – the refusal to give up.

Being able to view what some people would perceive to be failure instead as just temporary setbacks and a signpost to review the plan is one of the most common traits of successful online en Read More
Why does Google not support Albania at all? No Places, not advanced, Albanian – is not a supported language in AdSense, not a single Albanian website is on Google News, etc. Does Google hate Albania? Read More

Is Competitor Comparison Syndrome Crippling Your Business?

Is Competitor Comparison Syndrome Crippling Your Business?  - Avatar Posted by AnnemarieCross under Sales
From 4035 days ago
Made Hot by: Webdev1 on June 24, 2013 1:25 pm
Competitor analysis. We’re all told to do it – it’s Market Research 101, right? After all, how can we distinguish ourselves from everyone else if we don’t know what they are doing! Read More
We recently had the pleasure of developing a web strategy which included an eCommerce site for Green Boomerang, an eco-conscious start-up looking to revolutionize the shipping industry with their sustainable handling and storage systems. Their goal is to be the of the shipping industry. Read More
Copywriting is a manner of promoting products, services, ideas or even personalities to the public through the use of words. A good copy has a textual style and content that can effectively sway people's opinions about the object that the copy is intended for. Read More
Last week I had the pleasure of buying a brand new car. My second new car is a nice four door red Suzuki, and we were happy customers while driving home from the dealer. Read More

10 Trends in Small Business Retailing

10 Trends in Small Business Retailing - Avatar Posted by sundaydriver under Marketing
From 4036 days ago
Made Hot by: crystalx72 on June 26, 2013 6:08 am
Small businesses dominate the retail business. While big companies such as Wal-Mart, Nordstrom’s, Best Buy, Bloomingdale’s, and others fill the business headlines; about ninety-five percent of retailers in the United States only have one-store outlets. Read More

10 Ways Small Businesses Can Compete With Big Boys

10 Ways Small Businesses Can Compete With Big Boys - Avatar Posted by sundaydriver under Management
From 4036 days ago
Made Hot by: businessluv on June 25, 2013 10:37 am
When mass marketers like Wal-Mart and Home Depot move into town, many small businesses become fearful for their very survival, particularly if these businesses become direct competition. Yet despite the emergence of these multi-million dollar businesses, many small businesses continue to thrive and Read More
As you promote your growing business via the business website, mobile devices, email marketing campaigns and social media, you need to ask yourself – are your digital marketing efforts truly effective?

In other words -

Are you able to customize promotional messages as per customer interes Read More
Denise Posnak, founder of MyBOD™ Wellness Online Pilates and Yoga, is taking an innovative approach to her business. Instead of limiting her customer base to those living in her immediate area, Posnak provides her classes via the web. Utilizing Skype and Google+, Posnak is able to offer one-on-one Read More

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