ThomasCHolland voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Social Media in Business: The New Mainstream

Avatar Posted by Small Business Tribe under Strategy
From 4843 days ago
Made Hot by: HeatherStone on April 26, 2011 10:08 pm
There's a new business reality coming, says Chris Brogan, and it about the mainstreaming and embedding of social media in business. For large businesses this will mean, for those who haven't done so already, fully integrating social media into what they do including sales, marketing and beyond. For Read More

A Small Business Blogging Success Story

Avatar Posted by BusinessBloggerPro under Success Stories
From 4846 days ago
Made Hot by: Ruth Stone on April 23, 2011 3:24 pm
Think small business blogging won't work for you? Here is a case study of one small business, a Tipperary cycle shop, that has used blogging and social media successfully to promote products and even handle customer service issues. If you are looking for an example of blogging and social media succ Read More
Interview with Gary Vaynerchuk, New York Times bestselling author and founder of Wine Library TV and Daily Grape, on publishing, marketing his new project, his radio show, and more. Read More
There are millions of small businesses in the country today. Are they at risk and if so are they adequately protected? This article discusses some of the reasons small and medium sized businesses are sometimes at much or more risk then larger corporations. Read More
Our particular ability to remember … and forget is unique to all of us. Some of us never forget a face while being hopeless with names. Others have trouble with appointments or where we left our keys. I often have trouble finding the right word or forget the entire plot of a movie or book. (N Read More
Starting out on an entrepreneurial journey requires that you come up with an idea first. The biggest mistake that people make in the start-up phase is that they magnify everything…the product, the pricing strategy, promotion and distribution. Read More

Let Someone Else Market Your Product

Avatar Posted by ShawnHessinger under Strategy
From 4865 days ago
Made Hot by: HomeBusinessMedia on April 10, 2011 2:05 am
Let someone else market your product. Jonathan Fields of talks with Stephen Key, author of "One Simple Idea" about the wonderful world of product licensing. Got a great idea, a product that fits perfectly into an available niche in the market. Don't go through all the trouble of Read More
Love her or hate her, Nicole “Snooki” Polizzi of the reality show "Jersey Shore" could teach all small businesses a thing or two about branding. What makes a powerful brand? How could you create a unique brand for your small business? Let Snooki show you. This post looks at how brands are created s Read More
Today I will be introducing one of the great and influential woman of our time. Anita Campbell the CEO of she is a woman of great worth and after much questions and interviews been carried out on her by me, I came to conclude that she is a great personality that’s why she is my Read More

Entrepreneurs Checklist: 4 Items for April

Avatar Posted by MMarquit under Strategy
From 4873 days ago
Made Hot by: Cathode Ray Dude on March 28, 2011 12:50 am
As you prepare your business for the next quarter of the year, here are some things any entrepreneur can do in April. Keep your business on the right track with this checklist of savvy things you can do to meet your goals. Read More

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