TomBirches voted on the following stories on BizSugar

While some in the search marketing industry debate the linkability of even the most unsexy Web sites—and by “unsexy”, they often mean “small business”. There’s an important element missing from the discussion: return on investment. Read More
Employee benefits are an important factor to any business in hiring and retaining a good work force. The success of small businesses solely depends upon the work force and dedication of the employee to the businesses. Read More
A new study found that there is a decline in blogging and an increase in the usage of social networking sites amongst teenagers and young adults. Read More
The Friday FREE White Paper List is a summary of the free white papers that have been posted during the past week on Twitter. Each white paper is completely FREE and does not require either email registration or any other personal information. This is a great way to review white paper examples and learn new techniques.

See this week's great white paper example from Ernst & Young! Read More
Yesterday I was contacted and hired by someone who had read a business article of mine. To my surprise it was an article I had written five months ago. That's when I realized that business articles are like money in the bank: they generate some interest now, but the real interest "accumulates" in the long-term when search engines get hold of them! My 10 steps to achieve profitability with a busin Read More
How people perceive you can affect whatever you are trying to put across. In fact, as much as 80% of the attention of your audience is drawn to how you present yourself and only 20% towards your message. Self-image is therefore the key element in helping you become more effective and persuasive in business as well as life in general. Read More
White space is any space on your web site or printed page that doesn’t have graphics or text. When people first try to create their own marketing materials, their first impulse is to not “waste” space, and they fill pages with information. Read More
Great article on how to stay focused in the midst of technology overload and combine 'something old and something new.' Read More
A downloadable eBook version of my new book in PDF format, Crafting White Paper 2.0, is now available as an eBook. This is the definitive book on "Short Attention Marketing", using visual enhancements in your white paper to engage attention-challenged readers.

If you're interested in more effective business solution message delivery in your white papers, this is one book you'll need Read More
This is a simple step-by-step approach you can use to plan and build an effective performance dashboard. All illustrated by a small complete example that you can't find in any book or article about performance and KPIs. Read More

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