TomBirches voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Modern CRM is more than the analytics and outbound campaigns. The social CRM movement is gaining strength, and it’s incorporating many social network principles into the customer engagement process.
This post is any eye opener.Square has all potential to act as social CRM. When we can social CRM it means application must connect mobile and got to be interactive to networking sites and got to hav Read More
Facebook Pages, which let users become “fans” of their favourite brands, people and places have become a vital piece of social media strategy for lots of companies. However, how do you measure the success of your page? One way is to look at raw numbers but the more effective way is to look at the actual growth rates of your Facebook page. Read More
President Barack Obama is looking for an official Twitterer - was yesterday's nation-wide call across the US, announced by Wall Street Journal for the new job post at the White House... Read More
Vietnam relationships with Chenese government have a long historical base, especially in terms of territorial and commercial issues. What has cought my attention recently was an obvious link between a major minig deal with Chinese corporations and a suspicious disappearance of Vietnamese websites and blogs related to the governmental relationsgips between Vietnam and China.. Read More
The value of social media to business is not return on investment as much as it is listening to your market. Read More
These turbulent economic times can wreck havoc with big and small businesses alike. However, it is far easier for a small business to avoid “Fatal Distraction” and turn their business around quickly. The secret is sharpening your focus rather than becoming bogged down with minutia. Read More
Is it possible that when so many are crying gloom and doom, that this could be a good time to start a new business? Is one man’s junk another man’s treasure? Are there insider secrets of which small business owners should be aware? Read More
With all of the effort you are putting forth to excel in your career, there's nothing worse than wasting a perfectly good referral ...When Good Referrals Turn Bad. Read More
During this time of the year, a lot of people are actually getting laid off work because of recession. Because of this a lot of people are rethinking their position in their companies. Not only that, some employees are simply not happy with their jobs anymore. They feel stuck in a cubicle and they feel like they are not paid very well too. This is also the reason why a lot of people are thinking Read More
Learn how to develop a marketing plan in this free easy to follow tutorial. Developed with entrepreneurs and small businesses in mind, this free tutorial teaches you the marketing concepts you need to know. Read More

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