Administrator voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Why Alexa rankings are useless

Why Alexa rankings are useless - Avatar Posted by suzyQ under Online Marketing
From 5937 days ago
Made Hot by: on April 7, 2008 1:42 am
While most everyone who has been involved in online marketing for any length of time knows that Alexa rankings are pretty much meaningless, a recent article by Matt McGee serves as a great little reality check to those who are a little newer to the game. Read More

8 Factors to Cover in a Competitive Analysis

8 Factors to Cover in a Competitive Analysis - Avatar Posted by suzyQ under Marketing
From 5937 days ago
Made Hot by: on April 7, 2008 3:53 pm
Coming from an agency, there are often times when there is need to perform a competitive analysis for a client in order to better understand the client's position in the competitive landscape. The main purpose of a competitive analysis should be to gain awareness of the competitive factors analyzed and to leverage the client's strengths, weaknes Read More
Interested in creating more powerful headlines? You'll be amazed, how by simply adding a target + a specific, you'll make your headline far more attractive in a matter of seconds. Read More
Sites that are designed to sell products and/or services must go the extra mile to enhance the visitor's engagement with the website. Shopping cart abandonment (shoppers abandoning their carts before deciding to pay for the "items" they've added to their cart) can result in a significant loss in potential sales. But much of that can be reduced Read More

The Growing Influence of Online Social Shoppers

The Growing Influence of Online Social Shoppers - Avatar Posted by digitalsmash under Direct Marketing
From 5938 days ago
Made Hot by: on April 7, 2008 12:31 pm
Who do consumers trust? Increasingly, each other. Read More

Who Says Print is Dead? Local Blog Finds Success Offline

Who Says Print is Dead?  Local Blog Finds Success Offline - Avatar Posted by Aaronontheweb under Online Marketing
From 5938 days ago
Made Hot by: on April 6, 2008 2:29 am
From the Page: "Even though recent studies have shown that more people are consuming information online, there is something to be said for the printed word. And at the local level, at least, some publishers are finding a thriving market for printed information" Read More
So you are one of the millions of people in America who has real estate for sale and you haven't yet found an agent with any fresh ideas to help get your property sold. Keep looking because there is more to selling a home than posting the home on the local real estate association's website and sticking a sign in the yard. You have to be different. Read More

Build your brand: Letting Someone Go

Build your brand: Letting Someone Go - Avatar Posted by digitalsmash under Management
From 5938 days ago
Made Hot by: on April 6, 2008 7:46 pm
No one likes to let an employee go. Whether it is firing someone for cause or being forced to let a good employee go because of downsizing -- it stinks. It's a "keep you up all night worrying" sort of event. Because it is so awkward and difficult -- most people do it badly. They rush it or talk for too long or just don't manage the situati Read More

Life on the Edge: Learning from Facebook

Life on the Edge: Learning from Facebook - Avatar Posted by digitalsmash under Technology
From 5938 days ago
Made Hot by: on April 6, 2008 7:44 pm
The social network provides important lessons for executives—and a key forum for innovation and experimentation Read More

How An Entrepreneur Can Do the Impossible

How An Entrepreneur Can Do the Impossible - Avatar Posted by digitalsmash under Self-Development
From 5938 days ago
Made Hot by: on April 5, 2008 7:06 pm
Are you an “almost” entrepreneur? You have the drive, but you don't have an idea. You have the passion, but you're not quite sure what it's for. Perhaps you're one of the people that say “why reinvent the wheel?”, or “if it was needed, it'd already be done”. If you are one of these people... perhaps you need a square watermelon. Read More

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