Alastair voted on the following stories on BizSugar

It is never easy to choose the right person for any design job. You are looking for someone who knows more than you do, otherwise you would probably do it yourself. You are looking for someone with the ability to get the balance between their own creative input and your ideas and needs. Read More
A very short word of caution for those who would put all their marketing eggs into one basket. The recent sale of floundering Social Media giant MySpace is a reminder that today's huge Internet marketing must, can be tomorrow's thing of the past. Read More
In all the articles about how to get 50,000 Twitter followers or Facebook marketing for your small business, much is made of social media as a marketing channel. One of Twitter's most important uses though might be in dealing with your existing customers. Read More
Time management might well be the most important aspect of any working day. There are so many reasons why your plan can be knocked off track and yet it must be seen as a mistake. Let's look at the four D's and how they can improve time management:
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Have you ever been tempted to lower your price on one of your products and services drastically to get customers? It may sound like a good idea however there are a few traps if you do for your business and if you are a customer. Read More
“Your job as a marketer… is to be relevant enough to get people to make a decision about you… one way or another. The purpose of good marketing is to get people to make a decision about you… to be a fork in the road.” Read More
B2B information products offer many benefits in addition to enjoying the passive income that results from selling knowledge. Some of the advantages of offering a B2B information product include the ability to provide a need to a market that is less saturated than the B2C market depending upon your Read More
When everyone seems to be talking about cost, particularly your customers and prospects, it can be all too tempting to over compete on price. You drop your prices and sales increase for a while. Then what? Read More

The Truth About Making Money Blogging

Avatar Posted by MeetAna under Online Marketing
From 4840 days ago
Made Hot by: tuckerleroy on June 30, 2011 2:46 pm
As I read many blogs on a daily basis, I am surprised to see how few of them talk about how truly difficult it is to monetize a blog. Sure, there are some great articles out there on HOW to do it. Read More
'Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway', Susan Jeffer's classic book has given the world a catch phrase and some great advice. Is your fear of selling going to stop you? These suggestions should help you conquer your fear of selling. Read More

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