Alastair voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Every business is looking to have satisfied customers. In fact, you are looking for customers who are so satisfied, that they will evangelize your product. A large part of customer satisfaction comes down to what they expected in the first place and what you sold them. Read More
A company cannot survive without its workforce and it is important to recognise this fact. Recognition programs can be expensive but they don't have to be. Here are 13 low cost employee recognition tips that might give you some ideas:

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You are always making an offer and it should always be simple, clear, believable and sustainable. Believable for your customers and sustainable for your business. Read More
500 billion minutes are being spent on Facebook per month and the official count of active users is over 500 million. 500 million users are hard to ignore so lets take a look at Why and How to set up a Facebook page for your business. Read More

Simple Steps to Overcome Marketing Challenges

Simple Steps to Overcome Marketing Challenges  - Avatar Posted by m4bmarketing under Marketing
From 4773 days ago
Made Hot by: Entrepreneurosaurus on June 5, 2011 5:04 am
We all face issues when marketing our brands and I have always believed that is part the excitement of being in business. Okay, the real excitement is when you get a solution. Here are 3 steps to help you overcome marketing challenges. Read More
Cloud computing is being talked about a lot and it can be a tricky concept to understand. Perhaps the best way is through realising that most of us are using cloud computing every day and have been for some time. Read More
The negative buzz surrounding LinkedIn's recent IPO shouldn't scare small business owners away from utilizing social media. There is a difference between a social media bubble and the actual communication tools that social media websites provide. Read More
This Debunking chart created by Danny Sullivan explains, how Matt will face & take decision against those crazy allegations he get in his daily life. Read More
Employee bonus plans may not be right for every business. Anita Campbell provides the details you need to make your decision. Read More
Small business and the entrepreneurial spirit will play a key role in getting the economy back to growth. Despite difficult economic conditions, businesses with big ideas continue to crop up across the country. So, where are the hotbeds of start-up activity? Read More

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