Alastair voted on the following stories on BizSugar

While there are various social networking sites which many business owners are members of these days, there are two which stand out from the rest - Facebook and Twitter. Here are some pros and cons for each. Read More
When someone wants to buy your company, it’s often too late to get your legal act together. Make sure you do these 5 things first. Read More
Some customers are truly difficult to handle. It takes a lot of patience to manage them effectively. Whether you are a virtual assistant working at home as a telephone support or a customer service representative, you need to learn strategies to do this. Read More sets itself apart with an excellent video on its home page. Called "The Life of an Order at PFL," it follows one printing job through every step of its life cycle at the company. It's a great video to study before you design video for your company website.
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Building a startup is a multi-disciplinary challenge that can stretch even the most competent people to the limit. Read More

SPAM Works!

Avatar Posted by dabrock under Sales
From 4884 days ago
Made Hot by: Monsieur Eraser on May 20, 2011 11:13 pm
I've been getting some interesting responses from my post, When Will Sales People Stop This Insanely Stupid Behavior? A number of folks have correctly pointed out, if these techniques didn't work, why do people continue to do them? Read More
If your business is getting involved in mobile marketing, one avenue you might be using is sending or texting ads to customers’ mobile phones. But does this tactic really get results? That depends on whom you’re targeting.
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5 critical website SEO checks before starting any SEO Project. Tips to get your SEO started correctly with checks for crawlability, broken links, page speed and more. Read More
In a recent Web Cast, I went over The 12 Things I Learned About Twitter where I reviewed the 12 points, and also added 8 more points. Here is the sixth point, Leaving Room To Retweet. Read More
Social networking. The big corporations have bought into it. Smaller companies, too. Even independent consultants use Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook to do business. It is a great way to get the word out about your product or service. It boosts brand awareness, it builds loyalty, and it attracts an Read More

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