Alastair voted on the following stories on BizSugar

You've already seen Clickfire's coverage of some of the most popular freelance sites out there, sites like Elance and oDesk. Considering both freelance sites are worthy additions to your own personal freelance arsenal of power, what will it take for you to consider adding a new site - and a new ven Read More
A marketing strategy is essential if you want to achieve success for your small business. It is the link between your marketing objectives and tactics. Here are a few tips from a clean up of household items. Read More

10 Things to do Before You Start Your Business

10 Things to do Before You Start Your Business - Avatar Posted by alastair under Startups
From 4808 days ago
Made Hot by: Jed on May 3, 2011 5:56 pm
Nothing in life is guaranteed but as Benjamin Franklin famously said: "By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail." By doing some preparation before you start your business you can prepare to succeed instead. Here are 10 things you can do BEFORE you start your business.

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The reason this is so challenging for leaders at all levels of experience is due to the risk involved with letting go. Because, one of the cardinal rules of delegation is that even though you are letting go of the process of achieving a certain objective, you are not letting go of the responsibilit Read More
Brutal Efficiency. A diabolical plan. Willing workers. Cooperation from Industry.

It WAS a BUSINESS! Read More
Everyone knows that top salespeople can close but a top salesperson is also effective and efficient at identifying and qualifying new prospects. So here are today's 10 sales prospecting tips.
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Dealing with negative feedback in social media

Dealing with negative feedback in social media  - Avatar Posted by Jose Jimenez under Social Media
From 4811 days ago
Made Hot by: Cathode Ray Dude on April 29, 2011 7:08 pm
Social media can be a great marketing tool but what happens when you receive negative comments from customers? It is very easy for customers to leave feedback on social networks and review sites and, the popularity of smartphones means they can happen instantly. Read More
I’ve constantly amazed myself at the amount of content I’ve created since I start this blog and other websites. But do I really like writing? NO. I don’t hate it but I don’t dislike writing either. I’ve come to realize that the hundreds of hours putting into writing content can be reused again and Read More
This week's Joanne Black discusses three specific myths that prevent sales people from closing more deals. Joanne looks at how to avoid trappings that can waste time and clog your funnel, costing you opportunities, time and money. Read More
In any other community there is a system of checks and balances in place for members.

Should Social Media sites be any different? Read More

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