Alastair voted on the following stories on BizSugar

While success is nothing to do with money, survival is everything to do with creativity. It’s an innate part of us and a measure of our ability to evolve. Read More
Social Media for your business is not a hobby. It’s not something you do online once in a while when you have a spare 5 minutes. Social Media is a serious online marketing tool, in which time and money should be invested, and through which at the end of the day, you receive a Return On your Investm Read More

10 Small Businesses Make It Big With Royal Wedding

10 Small Businesses Make It Big With Royal Wedding - Avatar Posted by Big Business Boogaloo under Global
From 4811 days ago
Made Hot by: James John on April 29, 2011 2:20 pm
Ever feel like your small business could never really make it big? Then check out this awesome slide show of the businesses handling the royal wedding today. By the way, this event puts these businesses on the global stage. Huge earnings and huge publicity. Win-win. Go small business! Read More
I feel so lucky to be able to write this guest post for Ana, and for you – the readers of Traffic Generation Cafe. That might sound corny, but I really mean it. I’ve been following this blog for awhile,and the conversations that happen in the comments here are worth millions to those who can pay at Read More

Creating a Shit Storm – The Next Marketing Wave?

Creating a Shit Storm – The Next Marketing Wave? - Avatar Posted by JackieP under Marketing
From 4815 days ago
Made Hot by: bigmoneyweb on April 26, 2011 6:31 pm
Creating a Shit Storm or Polarizing your audience, are we looking at the next wave in marketing strategy. Creating controversy for the sake of it.
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There is a lot that goes into starting a new business. Lots of big decisions, important planning and product development. In all of this important and time consuming work, one very important issue often gets missed. Have you seriously considered whether there is a market? Read More
You will face many choices when starting your business and assume many risks. One key choice is whether to go it alone or start a partnership. The answer is often "It depends on the partner". Read More
Businesses all over the country are wondering about Social Media. How it fits into your marketing? Whether you should be spending more time on it? Or less? What channels should you be looking at? So here are the 5 channels most used by Social Media pofessionals. Read More

Cutting The Marketing Information Overload

Cutting The Marketing Information Overload  - Avatar Posted by m4bmarketing under News
From 4833 days ago
Made Hot by: tuckerleroy on April 7, 2011 3:15 pm
Although there are a lot of free resources for small business, sometimes it does feel like information overload. It can get confusing on what are the right marketing strategies and tactics to action and what can happen is no action.New section of the website now open. Read More

Writing for Search Engines or Visitors?

Writing for Search Engines or Visitors?  - Avatar Posted by alastair under Online Marketing
From 4834 days ago
Made Hot by: steeldawn on April 6, 2011 6:32 pm
Should you write content for search engines or visitors? You need traffic from Google but it's got to be useful or your site won't convert, won't sell. Here's a quick look at this false dilema and how to make search engine friendly content that users love. Read More

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