Alastair voted on the following stories on BizSugar

If you’ve seen The Social Network you may remember an exchange between Eduardo Saverin and Mark Zuckerberg about monetizing the site. Eduardo believes that it’s time to start generating some revenue and Mark replies, “The Facebook is cool and if we start installing pop-ups for Mountain Dew it’s not Read More

How to Add Value That Your Customers Want

How to Add Value That Your Customers Want  - Avatar Posted by m4bmarketing under Marketing
From 4747 days ago
Made Hot by: tuckerleroy on June 28, 2011 6:10 pm
On any given day you will see articles that include the importance of adding value to your customers. This is a sound marketing idea , however it is general in nature and leads to the question: What is the added value you can give your customers that they want? Here is one way to work it out. Read More
Strengths. If you had to list yours…could you?

Most people don’t have the foggiest. They think that what they do, equates to their strengths. And more often than not, they’re dead wrong.

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In July of 2010 Facebook reached 500 million users. It's a story that most of us will already be familiar with but are there lessons in Facebook's growth that you can apply in your own marketing? We think so.

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The famous 4 P's of Marketing have been around since the 1960's. What are they, are they still relevant and can they still help you sell more?

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One year. 14,000 votes for your articles. Almost 2,000 comments left.

Helping build a business community.

Need I say more? Happy Anniversary! Read More
Local is a big buzz word at the moment and 20% of all searches are local. For many small businesses, local search and localized keywords are the ones that matter. It is free to be in Google Places and getting one of those top slots is hugely valuable. So how do you go about it? Read More
Do you know that over 6 million underage children write blogs with or without their parents’ consent? As a 17 year old blogger, I’ll be giving you my opinion on “kid blogging” here, and I hope by the time you finish reading, you’ll be able to make the decision about whether you should allow your ki Read More
There are 2.4 billion conversations every day in the US involving a brand.  What role do various types of media play in these conversations? What sources inform Word of Mouth and what drives sales? Read More
Online business is often touted as the easy route to the fast buck, where everyone can have a piece of the pie.

Strange…I don’t think I’ve ever heard this said in the offline world. Read More

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