Bloggerpalooza voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Newsjacking is the public relations practice of using a current event to inject your own brand or website into the public discourse. It's a useful practice to capture curiosity alongside other topics trending in social media and the top of news search, making a blog article more appealing, grabbing Read More
If you like fancy graphics and pretty pictures, you ain't gonna like this email. On the weekend I was doing a bit of research into email newsletter services. Read More
Data and research outsourcing is a trend nowadays. But before you jump into the bandwagon, here are some FAQs which can guide you in understanding what it is all about. Read More
It can be daunting to ask for a promotion, especially if it’s your first time. With increased competition inside and outside the workplace for higher-level positions, seeking a promotion can be anxiety-inducing. But earning a promotion will help you in the long run, and is important for advancing i Read More
Social media has made brands of all sizes more accessible than ever. Consumers can engage with brands literally any time they please on a variety of different social channels and for many businesses this is a blessing. However, as the great Spider-man once said, “with great power comes great respon Read More
Maintaining a contact center may cost serious budget but there are ways to transform these expenses into profit and make your contact center an asset. Read More
If your company is planning to revamp the website or develop a new one, make sure the web designers understands that you expect Google friendly layout and urls to be built into your website as part of the website development package. Read More
Comments are a very important part of your site, and I’d like to let you know why I started using the Disqus commenting system. Read More
This post is all about creating content worth sharing. I give you rules to make it easier to get your content found and shared. Read More
Today we received a reply from one of the latest emails we sent: I am very confused on the “curation” thing… But with this “curation” stuff aren’t you just really stealing peoples information? … from what it sounds like all the information would be from other people…how would that help me? Read More

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