Bloggerpalooza voted on the following stories on BizSugar

It will take some adjusting to get used to being your own boss, but the good news is that it is possible to run a business and have a happy, fulfilling life at the same time. All it takes is a little thought and a lot of discipline. Read More
Your about page is among the most important pages on your blog. In the following post, discover four rather simple ways to increase its exposure! Read More
Why does my website suck and how can I fix it? Identifying that your website sucks is the first step, now what actions must you take to get your website back on track? Read More
Brand Valentines take much thought and effort to stand out from the crowd AND relate back to the actual brand. Here are 3 that did the job. Read More
Twitter continues to become mainstream & more brands create a presence on the microblogging platform. Here are 8 Twitter analytics tools for your business. Read More
We’ve been hearing about increased confidence in small business and, if you’re like me, you want to believe it - but you’re suspicious, too. How do we really know if things are getting better? How do we really know if lending is beginning to open up for small businesses? Read More
I mentioned this article to someone recently who was surprised at the limited number of debt options for startup companies. I asked her to do some research and encouraged her to come on and comment on the story if she has some other suggestions. It’s not that we’re discussing the “only” debt opti Read More
There’s good and bad news to share about startup financing for a small business. Keep in mind, we are only looking at debt options so think of loans and lines of credit that you pay back to a lender. We are not looking at any equity solutions such as angel investors, venture capital, etc. The go Read More
Many people are surprised at my low tech way of managing clients. However, it’s a simple solution that keeps things easy and manageable as a freelance writer. Read More
According to the SBA, 90% of our nations small businesses are family owned. Of course, “family owned” does not always mean it’s a husband & wife team but many of them are as referenced here. We all know that small business owners need capital today as bad or worse than ever. We’re not here to co Read More

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