Bloggerpalooza voted on the following stories on BizSugar

If you've always wanted to have Windows on your phone but don't want to pay the extra money for licensing, this must be some good news for you. After all, Microsoft is now planning to have Windows licensing for free in some Nokia phones. Read More
Want to make your customers smile this season? Here are 11 surefire ways to do that. Here are some ideas on how you can express your sincerest thanks to your customers. Read More
Employees often need some extra training to perform their jobs well. Even with training programs in place, employees will need occasional reminders of how to perform a task. I have a few tips to make your next training session more beneficial for all involved. Read More

Content Marketing 2014: What’s Out, and What’s In

Avatar Posted by DiTesco under Online Marketing
From 3936 days ago
Made Hot by: kingofcontent92 on December 20, 2013 6:50 am
Your company’s content marketing efforts need to stand out. Here’s a look at what's no longer working, and some of the new best practices for content marketing in 2014 Read More
There are many positive side-effects to having a moderately high Domain Authority. Better search engine visibility guarantees more traffic, leading to more exposure and brand awareness, and thus increasing the chances of landing in more social shares and natural backlinks. Read More

HitTail: Improve Search Results Using Organic Search Engine Optimization

Avatar Posted by nicregi under Resources
From 3937 days ago
Made Hot by: Webdev1 on December 20, 2013 1:02 pm
HitTail is the latest tool I use for keyword research. On the outer 'layer', it promises to bring keyword research to the next level and seriously, little did I believe in that.

I decided to take HitTail for a 21 days free trial for a spin and I was blasted away.

Keyword research was basicall Read More
A guy wakes up in an unfamiliar hotel room, laying in a bathtub partially filled with ice, and a terrible pain in his lower back.
He’s rushed to the emergency room, only to find that one of his kidneys has been surgically removed–apparently without his knowledge and presumably for illicit sale on Read More
Do you remember the last truly awesome party you attended?

Of course you do. Legendary parties stick in your memory forever.

The people. The music. The atmosphere. The conversations. The hijinks. Read More
It has been stated by many professionals in the Search Engine Optimization world that “PageRank was dead.”

However, given the update last week that Google put into place updating the Toolbar PageRank values of websites, that certainly does not seem to be the case.

Was your website hit by this Read More

4 Steps to Prepare Your Blog for Google Updates in 2014

Avatar Posted by nicregi under Resources
From 3938 days ago
Made Hot by: bloggerpalooza on December 18, 2013 8:34 am
With 2014 just weeks away, how far are you ready for SEO next year? Some says SEO will be changing next year while some says SEO just gets harder.

So, what do you think? Enjoy the read and tell me what you think.

Have a great week all! Read More

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