Bloggerpalooza voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Google Location Sharing Added for Android Hangout App

Avatar Posted by airabongco under Social Media
From 3977 days ago
Made Hot by: seobromino on November 7, 2013 1:21 pm
If you have always loved Google plus, then you may be interested in its new sharing feature. Now, you can share your exact location with your friends through the new Google location sharing feature. Read More
So you want to partner with a certain company. But before you get excited, here are some questions you should ask before you even consider a partnership. Read More

Google Plus Custom URLs Are Finally Here

Avatar Posted by airabongco under Products and Services
From 3977 days ago
Made Hot by: gbono on November 7, 2013 1:29 pm
If you have always wanted to get a personalized Google plus URL but your brand is already taken as a username, you can now do that with the newly released feature of Google plus. Get to personalized your URL with your brand name or keywords. Read More

20 Team Building Mistakes to Avoid With Your Team

Avatar Posted by airabongco under Human Resources
From 3977 days ago
Made Hot by: Digitaladvert on November 7, 2013 1:32 pm
Team building is essential to any business. That's because the output of your business will ultimately depend on your teamwork. Here are some mistakes that you might be committing when building your team. Read More

Achieving Value Through Majority Recapitalization

Avatar Posted by Exit Promise under Raising Capital
From 3977 days ago
Made Hot by: deanuk on November 7, 2013 1:34 pm
Cash Out and Still Have a Piece of the Pie

Recapitalizations can be used to provide liquidity to owners, refinance the balance sheet or fund future growth initiatives. When the owners sell a majority of the business but still retains some ownership, it is termed a majority recapitalization.

W Read More

Bring Joy To Work With BYOD

Avatar Posted by cloudcomputingpath under Technology
From 3977 days ago
Made Hot by: robinandy58 on November 6, 2013 4:08 pm
BYOD gives your employees the freedom to choose the devices they want to use and can go a long way when you want a satisfactory work environment. Read More
For the last couple of weeks, I’ve been working on a project for a client that requires me to visit graduate school websites and find basic information on t Read More
Make your workspace a safe haven and a place that encourages everything you need it to with these five tips on organizing your workspace to increase blogging productivity. Read More

Is Your Brand Ready for Social Marketing?

Avatar Posted by websuccessteam under Marketing
From 3978 days ago
Made Hot by: OpenSourceMedia on November 7, 2013 8:59 am
The answer is yes, right? The buzz is that social marketing is here to stay and marketers have finally embraced it. In a Forbes Magazine article, contributor Jayson DeMers claims that “Investment in Social Media Will Become a Necessity, Not a Luxury“. Read More

Business for Sale Opportunities in Australia

Avatar Posted by businesstrader under Advertising
From 3978 days ago
Made Hot by: seobromino on November 8, 2013 5:50 pm
You may have a genuine interest in buying a business for sale, and also possess the requisite skills and experience to make it run successfully. At the same time, you may be uncertain about how you should proceed, and even if you are aware of what the transfer of ownership entails, you may not know Read More

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