Bloggerpalooza voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Mobile apps are soon to be used on so much more than smartphones and tablets. Here are some forward-thinking approaches to help you stay ahead of the curve. Read More
Across the world, most of the businesses are turning their physical stores into online store because of its constant growing popularity. In this post, you can find huge information on online retail sales in Europe that is expected to double to EUR323 billion by 2018
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Life after death through social media: what’s it all about?

Avatar Posted by jonnyross under Social Media
From 4023 days ago
Made Hot by: hbstuart96 on September 26, 2013 2:46 am
There’s no doubt that the new generation have grown up with social media very much a part of their lives. As a result, there is a new growing market of people making online arrangements for death, and considering social media management services as the next logical progression.

For some users, o Read More
Technology has extended wonderful capabilities to make us more efficient.  We have CRM, Marketing Automation, and Emailing systems that enable us to Read More
Here is a cartoon that pretty much sums up how problems are addressed in the office. It implies how an illusion that a problem is being solved is created without really addressing the real issue. Read More
Want to track your activity on social media? Now there are some tools that can help you do that. Here are some social media analytics tools that can help you. Read More
Want to get more sales? Even if you do, it does not necessarily mean that you'll get more sales. You need to avoid these barriers in order to succeed Read More

How to Get the Hard to Get Clients Part 2

Avatar Posted by diagramified under Marketing
From 4024 days ago
Made Hot by: jamiesteinberg on September 26, 2013 3:16 am
Now that you have a better understanding of your prospect’s goals and challenges, the next step is introducing yourself in a way that gets their attention and opens the door to a conversation. Read More
Wondering how franchising sales are doing? I'd say that with today's technology, it is doing pretty well. Let us take a closer look on how the process has changed overtime. Read More
Have you tried PPC advertising? If you did, then you'll know how hard it is to get your questions answered especially if you're new to PPC. Luckily, here is a community where you can find some mutual support. Read More

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