Bloggerpalooza voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Many people may ask themselves the questions, who can start a business? Is it for me? Do I have the time? Do I have enough money? Can anybody do it? Where and how do I start? Here I hope to answer many of these questions, but let’s start at the top. Read More
ohhh yeah... you need these to streamline your workflow. They are all for chrome though, so if you use firefox you would have to find some alternatives. Read More
Yeah you could rank fast... but it ain't all about getting high PR links. Other things matter more. You will see in sec. Read More

5 Ridiculous SEO Myths That People Believe

Avatar Posted by CateCosta under Online Marketing
From 4080 days ago
Made Hot by: businessluv on July 29, 2013 11:23 am
The SEO industry is wrought with folklore. Much of what is said doesn’t come with the evidence to back it up. Granted, we’re not immune to truisms of our own, and sometimes it’s not a bad idea to put intuition first. But there’s a difference between truisms or ethical stances and opinions masquerad Read More
As you’re asking yourself those three affiliate marketing/niche questions, it’s good to keep in mind a few points that may just help you get some niche ideas flowing. When you’re trying to find a good niche, there are typically four categories... Read More
The Internet and social media have made it much easier for people to vent about bad service to a potentially large audience. If you make a customer unhappy these days you can count on their other 5,000-some friends hearing about it, too. Read More
The small business landscape is arguably tougher than ever before. It’s become harder to run a business than it was 5 years ago because of quickly-changing technology and marketing best practices. The difficulty of success means that competitive marketing analysis is more crucial than ever.
Learn Read More
Have we paid too a steep price for personal flexibility? Made a poor tradeoff in the service of a lean business methodology? Read More

23 Secrets to Creating Viral Content

Avatar Posted by uttoransen under Online Marketing
From 4080 days ago
Made Hot by: OpenSourceMedia on July 27, 2013 1:53 pm
Everyone wants viral content.

It’s news.

Big News!

The sort of thing that makes headlines.

But how do you get viral content?

What’s the big secret?

There isn’t just one secret – there are 23. Read More
Sometimes, it can be hard to tell when someone is being legitimately helpful, and when he or she is just after your hard-earned cash. It can be especially difficult to make the distinction when it comes to complex issues like taxes. Here are 4 tax scams to be wary of. Read More

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