Bloggerpalooza voted on the following stories on BizSugar

5 Marketing Tips from Steve Jobs

Avatar Posted by HollyHanna under Marketing
From 4118 days ago
Made Hot by: bloggerpalooza on June 18, 2013 1:43 pm
Steve Jobs was a marketing genius that took a mediocre company and made it into what it is today. Let’s take a look at a few tips we can learn from him. Read More

Adopt a Market-Driven Strategy to Customer Service

Avatar Posted by dhennessy under Customer Service
From 4118 days ago
Made Hot by: NolanGreen on June 19, 2013 6:23 am
Customers today have many options and places to buy products and services. Technology interfaces such as call centers and automated responses are only a way to supplement and amplify what should be the heart of your effort: a relentless, person-to-person focus on the customer’s objectives and chall Read More
Business analysts and advisers often tell newly-minted entrepreneurs that when it comes time to find funding, focus on asking friends, family, and fools. The reasoning behind this wise counsel is that, if things go south with your new business, you won't be on the hook for a huge loan taken from an Read More
Deborah Sweeney – Three tips to help you enjoy your summer, and get the work done too - How to head off summer distractions Read More

4 Risks and Payoffs to Running Your Own Small Business

Avatar Posted by MyCorporation under Strategy
From 4118 days ago
Made Hot by: bizyolk on June 19, 2013 8:10 am
For most of the risks that you face in running a small business, there tends to be a corresponding payoff that goes hand in hand with it. Business insurance will deal with some risks that can damage your company and work on ways to mitigate them, but there are more general risks that a business fac Read More

How Influence-y is Influency?

Avatar Posted by jeffyablon under Marketing
From 4118 days ago
Made Hot by: centrifugePR on June 19, 2013 6:00 am
Influencey, schminfluency. Until people know you, you can call it anything and it's nothing. Influency is where you influence those who will buy your services. Read More

Two Easy Ways to Become a Hands-On Manager

Avatar Posted by dhennessy under Strategy
From 4118 days ago
Made Hot by: advertglobal on June 19, 2013 9:24 am
Being a hands-on manager doesn’t mean you act as an omnipresent creature peering over the shoulders of every employee. It means the opposite, actually. Yaniv Masjedi shares two ways to become a more present and empowering manager for your employees. Read More
Somebody once said the difference between a big shot and little shot is that the big shot was the little shot who kept on shooting... Read More
The other week I was in the conference room receiving one of the more common requests I hear: “make the logo bigger.” The client told me that their logo was the most important thing on the page. “Really?” I said, thinking, What about the giant image of your product? The thing that you actually want Read More
What will consumers be spending money this summer? Travel tickets and hotel rooms, according to a new study from Burst Media that found more than half (53.7 percent) of U.S. adults plan to take a vacation this summer. Planning ahead, more than half (51.1 percent) of those who say they’ll vacation h Read More

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