Bloggerpalooza voted on the following stories on BizSugar

It is surprising how many IT or even accounting professionals don’t understand the real options available to their small business customers wanting to move entirely to a cloud-based IT strategy, particularly when it comes to QuickBooks. This is no fault of the IT guy or accountant – unless they’re Read More
Social media marketing is an important aspect of Internet marketing - especially for small businesses trying to grow their Web traffic, and social influence. Read More
Franchise partners are partners in the truest sense, individuals who join various teams that are all part of one larger team: the franchise system itself. Partners are mutually supportive and each partner of the system brings attributes that complement the overall flow of the brand as it reaches co Read More
Franchising is all about local presence and with 43% of search queries having local intent it's important that your franchise is among search results. Here are 5 reasons franchisees need a website. Read More
What do you do when you feel like the world is passing you by? Use reverse mentoring by asking someone from the younger generation to help you, which in the process helps them. Read More
Sky Zone Indoor Trampoline Park, creator of the world’s first all-trampoline, walled playing court, is getting ready to open its newest franchise in June. Look for it to open in Cleveland, Ohio... Read More
Strong leadership without strong management can result in chaos and inefficiency. Strong management without strong leadership can result in tunnel vision and paralysis. Here’s a wonderful short video in which Steve Jobs talks about managing people and his leadership style.
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How many times have investors heard startups start their pitch by touting that their technology is “disruptive?” What entrepreneurs forget or don’t realize is that most customers are initially wary of any technology, that educating the market on new technology is expensive, takes a long time, and p Read More
Matchist co-founder Tim Jahn shares 6 lessons he's learned during the past year of building matchist. Read More
There's something about going up to people, or even talking to them over the phone, and convincing them to buy your product or order our service, that scares the life out of us. For some of us, diving right in works best. Yeah, we'll fumble around, get so jittery we'll transpose our words, but af Read More

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