Bloggerpalooza voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Sometimes the bad guys are just misunderstood, their management & leadership styles are actually really good but they lack the ability to make it legitimate. Read More
How many posts do you need to write before your blog starts to become successful? The Answer: It Depends Read More

"Decisive" Is The Right Choice for Decision Making

Avatar Posted by zimana under Human Resources
From 4183 days ago
Made Hot by: PMVirtual on April 12, 2013 7:43 am
Learn how to make better business (and life) decisions with Decisive, the third book from the Heath brothers. Read More
Just like moths to a flame, the idea of having setting up and writing a blog attracts many businesses every year, only to get burned as the reality of what is involved to maintain it becomes clear. Read More
You know what’s the interesting part when you proofread articles, which you’ve written ages ago; you don’t feel like it’s your writing. I still doubt myself for writing those, both positively and negatively. Yeah!
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If you decide that 2013 is the year to sell out there is a key process you need to pass - the Due Diligence Test. To beat the odds of 1 in 6000 (27.3m US businesses, only around 6000 will exit this year for $10m or more) you will need to pass through this rigorous process.Many fail this test. My re Read More
To make it short, to monetize your blog, you need to have three things, a target advertiser, a target market and a creative brain to be able to create a content worthy to be read. Read More

20 Bite-Sized Ways to Fund Your Small Business

Avatar Posted by bigmoneyweb under Startups
From 4183 days ago
Made Hot by: HeatherStone on April 12, 2013 3:48 am
One of the toughest periods for a small business is the funding. Sometimes the idea might be brilliant, but there might just not be enough cash to float the boat. While getting cash from the bank might seem like the rational alternative, people usually find that this is not always as easy as it sou Read More

Top 5 Most Useful Android Applications for Bloggers

Avatar Posted by geekstrack under Technology
From 4183 days ago
Made Hot by: Webdev1 on April 12, 2013 1:10 pm
Smartphones and tablets are very common today, and It’s a mandatory thing for a blogger, if you are a blogger then you should have a Smartphone to keep in touch with your blog and social networks, there are thousands of applications are available for bloggers in Google play store, but only a few ar Read More

Don’t be a threatening inquisitor!

Avatar Posted by Berndgeropp under Human Resources
From 4183 days ago
Made Hot by: businessluv on April 12, 2013 10:20 am
Asking questions can be a great method helping and coaching your employees. But you need to use questions carefully. Otherwise they can be counterproductive.

Read here how to avoid asking like an inquisitor… Read More

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