Bloggerpalooza voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Everyone loves the new visual bookmarking site Pinterest which grew by a staggering 400% in 2012 to nearly 40 million users. But how can you take advantage of the insane virality of this social network? Well, here are 10 great tips to make your campaigns more buzz worthy! Read More
There are countless articles and books about how business owners, and people in general, need self-confidence to succeed. But there seems to be little information on self-confidence’s evil twin, doubt. The scary thing about doubt is that it uses stealth tactics to sneak up on you when you are most Read More
List fatigue is the gradual decline of responsiveness by your email subscribers. This article examines symptoms, causes, prevention, and cures for list fatigue. Read More
By now, everyone has caught on to the fact that the more you interact with your customers socially through FB, Twitter, Foursquare etc, the more your SEO gets strengthened. This of course, helps as your Google rankings are improved. Read More
I had done a quite of bit research on blogging and monetization, that I figured it was a pretty simple and straightforward path. But with time and experience, I found that there was so much more than just creating content and making money through ad sales. Read More
In January, Facebook introduced it’s newest innovation, Graph Search. Facebook offered beta looks for users who opt in, which I chose to take advantage of. You can opt in too by going to this link: On the most basic level, Graph Search is a social search. Read More
A roundup of this week's interesting news for self-employment and personal finance - a few inspiring people, some trending topics and some how-to articles. Read on.... Read More
Brian Solis, Author of “What’s the Future of Business: Changing the Way Businesses Create Experiences,” joins Brent Leary to discuss the importance of creating fluid, memorable and enjoyable customer experiences in business and across marketing channels. Read More

Bing Taking More Shots at Google

Avatar Posted by AXZM under Technology
From 4186 days ago
Made Hot by: bloggerpalooza on April 10, 2013 12:18 pm
It’s no secret Microsoft wants in on the search market. Bing launched the website as a direct attack but understanding the why of Bing taking more shots at Google is not hard, it’s all about market share. The website points out that every product that shows up in search results is tec Read More
There are many steps involved in a B2B SEO campaign and there’s a lot of set up work that needs to be done at the start. The website needs to be worth the SEO investment so there’s often some recommended user experience tweaks and then of course social profiles need to be either set up or edited .. Read More

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