Bloggerpalooza voted on the following stories on BizSugar

WebHostingHub at $4.95/month with unlimited bandwidth and unlimited disk space is the best web host for any blog or a site. The most impressive thing has been is that WebHostingHub doesn’t have any downtime. Read More

Help - I am Having a Social Media Burnout!

Avatar Posted by ivanpw under Social Media
From 4206 days ago
Made Hot by: SJC on March 19, 2013 12:56 am
Social media is fun, engaging and often weird; but regardless of all the goodness, I just can't stand it anymore: I'm having a social media burnout! Read More
Others are less convinced. Nobody in the game knows how to take a business from zero to sixty quicker than Lefkofsky. But along the way, he often strips the gears. “To him, greed is good. Money is what matters. He will cross the line to get more,” said a former Groupon executive. “His reputation, G Read More
After all the Panda and Penguin dust had settled, companies and websites altered their marketing methods, shifted their focus and ultimately planned almost a Read More
Naming a startup company turned out to be harder than we tough, so we prepared the “5 key rules to follow when naming your startup company” for you. Read More
Google caused quite the uproar yesterday when they announced Google Reader will be shut down in the beginning of July. If you're a content curator or just an avid Reader fan, this could pose a really big blow to your productivity and the discovery system you've spent all that time constructing. So Read More
In Episode 10 of the Content Marketing Podcast, we address what has come to be known as "The Crap Factor" and how it affects us content marketers. Read More
Managing energy requires an operational model. Industry Insights' Matthew Littlefield explains the key components of industrial energy management reporting. Read More

Searching For A Retail Franchise

Avatar Posted by franpro under Franchises
From 4206 days ago
Made Hot by: centrifugePR on March 18, 2013 8:46 pm
If you've never searched for a retail franchise business to buy, trying to weed through lots of different opportunities can be pretty frustrating. One more thing; do you really know what a retail franchise looks like?

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There are two ways to think about guest blogging. Either you can have influential bloggers in your industry write for you or you can write for high authority sites that will help with your own search engine optimization, new audiences, and even sales. Read More

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