Bloggerpalooza voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Giving up the security of a full-time job to start your own business is a risky, often stressful move.
How do you know when the time is right to make the leap?
Here are 10 questions to ask before you quit your job.
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Ever since the Apple iPhone 5 and Samsung Galaxy S3 was launched in the market, the fight was about mind share and visibility on the shelf. This post gives you a full comparison of iPhone 5 and Samsung Galaxy 3, which is your pick ? Read More
We know how important landing page optimization is — when customers click on a link or an ad, they’re expecting to be redirected to a page advertising exactly what they saw or read about in the ad. It’s a pretty simple expectation to fulfill, but it’s also important to get your customer to look bey Read More

Telecommuting from Home or Working in a Traditional Office?

Avatar Posted by MMarquit under Startups
From 4205 days ago
Made Hot by: Webdev1 on March 17, 2013 3:53 pm
In a world where a lot of office-type work can be done from a home office, Yahoo! CEO Marissa Mayer sparked a debate when she decided to require employees to come into the office. Read More
Google pagerank is one of the most debated topics of all time on the internet. A lot of webmasters have claimed to know much about this subject line, and others just accept what have been said by those who claim Read More
10 great Twitter strategies for businesses, and how they can harness the power of social media and benefit from Twitter - including how businesses can establish a strong presence on Twitter, generate leads, drive sales, and achieve good results. Read More
Many businesses hesitate to use Mobile SMS Marketing, indeed many businesses use it badly. As with any marketing campaign or channel, the key thing is that it needs to be done at the right time with the right content, providing value to the customer. Find out how you can use Mobile SMS Marketing t Read More
Think you know what 'the cloud' is? Guess Again. In influency you need to control your entire infrastructure, but ... can you? Ask Chris Brogan (we disagree). Read More
Does email marketing work??? Or has Social Media killed it?
You get slammed with spam everyday in your inbox. You also see the growth of social and think email must be dead or at least dying. But, this simply isn’t the case.

Email marketing brought in $40.56 for every dollar spent according to Read More
Before you hire a new employee, you need to prepare. Here are the three main items to prepare for before you start recruiting! Read More

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