Bloggerpalooza voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Social media can be very time consuming and figuring out technology issues and selecting the right tools can be very frustrating.

In this article we outline 101 Tools and Technology tips that will help you become more efficient and effective with social media. Read More

Home Business Web Site: Do Your Own SEO

Home Business Web Site: Do Your Own SEO - Avatar Posted by MMarquit under Marketing
From 4134 days ago
Made Hot by: logistico on March 11, 2013 1:41 pm
An entrepreneur faces dozens of challenges, even in a home-business. If you want an online presence for your business, you’ll need to deal at least a little with “Search Engine Optimization” (SEO). Read More
One of the most valuable pieces of Internet real estate is the website you send your new subscribers to after they join your email list. Discover exactly how you can use this page to build your business! Read More
I realize that a lot more goes into designing and building a blog so there are a few extra steps that will need to be taken in the beginning to ensure your blog is properly launched. Read More

Managing Your Facebook Fan Page from an iPhone

Managing Your Facebook Fan Page from an iPhone  - Avatar Posted by SocialBrothers under Social Media
From 4134 days ago
Made Hot by: Webdev1 on March 11, 2013 2:00 pm
Whether you're too busy or just don't have access to a desktop or laptop you are able to manage your Facebook Fan Page from your iPhone. Learn how here! Read More
For a long time now the practice that many businesses employ is never saying no to potential customers. It’s the aim-to-please attitude that has gotten so many deals closed through the years, taking what would have been missed opportunities into smashing sales many can only ever dream of. Read More
In business, making your company visible in the marketplace is extremely important. So, the more opportunities you have to put your business’ name out there, the better—especially if they’re free.

In this short post, we’re going to pass on where to go to take advantage of “Google Places for Bus Read More

Should Former Independent Business Owners Look At Franchise Ownership?

Should Former Independent Business Owners Look At Franchise Ownership?     - Avatar Posted by under Franchises
From 4134 days ago
Made Hot by: hbstuart96 on March 12, 2013 4:24 am
By Joel Libava. Sometimes, the best-laid plans don’t pan out.

Take business ownership, for instance. Think about how many businesses are started and closed in the US every year. Not every business makes it. But, every small business owner wants to make it. Why else would someone risk t Read More
7 Tips for Communicating with Clarity. These tips make a big difference in the effectiveness of your communication.
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Complacency in the Workplace: Overcome Bad Attitudes With Accountable Leadership. 4 Reasons Complacency Exists & What Management Can Do to Annihilate It. Read More

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