Bloggerpalooza voted on the following stories on BizSugar

The creative freedom that comes with being an entrepreneur is often balanced by the immense risk and responsibility of charting your own course, and bringing others along for the ride. For some, this kind of emotional dichotomy would be unbearable... Read More
There’s no denying the fact that Pinterest is one of the hottest social networking sites in the world. As of 2012, Pinterest has already emerged as third among the top social networking sites.
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At the start of a B2B SEO campaign things usually seem to be rolling along just fine. Keyword research is completed and on site optimization recommendations have been implemented. Read More
Ever wonder why some Facebook posts get a ton of interaction and shares while others leave you checking your stats to see if anyone even saw it? While the latter can happen to even the most savvy Facebooker, there are some “best practices” you can follow to increase the likelihood of engagement.
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Today, I'll show you how you can use simple emails to get hired by high-paying clients.

In today's video, I get into a lot more detail. I show you my actual blueprint for generating hot leads by sending simple and short email messages to select prospects. Read More
Should you insource your content marketing efforts? The answer depends. Learn about seven challenges associated with insourcing your content marketing. Read More
Writing effective copy day in and day out requires an extraordinary amount of creativity. Henson was a creative genius. And some of his greatest talents translate brilliantly to the written word. Read More
Small business owners should take people and personal leadership seriously if they want to grow their business and achieve lasting success. They should learn how to influence other people (employees, customers, and other business stakeholders) to help them achieve a common goal. Read More
Every startup needs access to capital, whether for funding product development, for initial rollout efforts, acquiring inventory, or paying that first employee. Most entrepreneurs think first of bank loans as the primary source of money, only to find out that banks are really the least likely benef Read More
Finding the best affiliate programs to make money online from your blog, or Web content, is easy if you work with WordPress and Web hosting/Web design.

WordPress is the most popular CMS (Content Management System) in the world, with a huge community of webmasters, bloggers and developers.

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