Bloggerpalooza voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Networking for small business owners. Some new twists on old ideas to reinvent your networking efforts and drive new business. Read More
Software sales people have a somehow managed to be notoriously good at it, they seem to have been able to get far more advanced in it then any other sales industry. Read More
Lots of organizations choose to keep their lips sealed and their eyes closed when it comes to workplace injuries. However, this is an issue that must be taken seriously because it can cost a person's life. Read More
Google’s latest search algorithm updates have gotten everyone left and right talking about the importance of content marketing. The content needs to be well written, properly managed (i.e. timed and delivered). Read More
There is a big difference between simply knowing the definition of a word and actually being defined by it, and for small business, there exists that line between the savvy and the clueless. On one hand, there are lots of people who claim to be business geniuses and on the other hand, there are tho Read More
Networking is crucial for micro business owners. Discover why numbers are important and learn some top tips to get networking driving results for you. Read More

Do Search Engines Still Deliver a Punch?

Do Search Engines Still Deliver a Punch? - Avatar Posted by hishaman under Marketing
From 4134 days ago
Made Hot by: FutureVision on March 11, 2013 6:53 pm
There’s been quite a competition between social media and SEO lately. Social Media or SEO? Which one of the two plays a more important role in your strategy. Read More
Use these ten tips to identify great ways for you to turn your expertise into a profitable product. Take what you know and package it into something your readers want. Read More

Study Shows Crowdfunding $ Can Grow on Trees - CareerFuel

Study Shows Crowdfunding $ Can Grow on Trees - CareerFuel - Avatar Posted by Heathervanw under Raising Capital
From 4134 days ago
Made Hot by: Heather_Stone on March 12, 2013 9:35 am
A recent study, based on an analysis of 1,000 closed deals, nets interesting lessons for the future of equity-based crowdfunding. For example, more than half of the completed deals are businesses in the middle of the U.S., not the coasts. Also, more than half of the businesses seeking funds are leg Read More
For as long as most people could remember surfing the internet, animated GIFs have been scattered all over websites, depicting everything from sporting fails to cute kittens playing with each other. Read More

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