CentrifugePR voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Getting people to the bottom of the page is as much about your skill with presentation as it is about your gift for writing. To put it simply, your content needs to be easy to read as well as artfully worded.We call this readability. This article details what you can do about it. Read More

How To Get Started on Google Plus

How To Get Started on Google Plus  - http://simplicitysmallbiz.com Avatar Posted by sarahsantacroce under Online Marketing
From http://simplicitysmallbiz.com 3635 days ago
Made Hot by: PMVirtual on July 19, 2014 9:41 am
Why should you be there and how to get started on Google Plus: Find answers and lots of resources in this post Read More
When you are starting a new business, the first couple of years involve a lot of hard work to attract clients. That’s no secret. But sometimes business owners come to me about how hard they are working and that nothing is happening yet. Read More
Many businesses want to bring on interns, but aren't sure how to go about the process. Nellie Akalp, CEO of CorpNet.com, shares how to run a successful internship program in this post on Mashable. Read More
Running a business is not always what we think it ought to be. It's not always fun, and there's a lot of work we have to do that we don't like doing. What do you do about that? Read More
So your business is on Facebook and Twitter; maybe you even have a blog in order to keep in touch with your customers. But just having social media profiles isn't always enough. Like any business practice, gauging how effective it is remains essential to success. Let's take a look at some tools you Read More
If your tactics aren't working right now, then it’s because you haven’t thought through the strategy and objectives.

And if you’re unclear on the strategy and objectives, then it’s because you’re unclear on exactly WHO your target customer is.

Here's how you can get started from the customer Read More
Are you new to the world of keywords? Haven't ran some tests to see which is the best solution for the SEO of your website? Here's a short survival guide to keywords (for dummies). Read More
Facebook: For some the bane of their existence; for others a community of friends, family and followers. How you view Facebook will affect how you capitalize on its vast reach. Read More
Facebook: For some the bane of their existence; for others a community of friends, family and followers. How you view Facebook will affect how you capitalize on its vast reach. Read More

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