CentrifugePR voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Why You Should Probably Start Blogging

Avatar Posted by tathan under Strategy
From http://takisathanassiou.com 3980 days ago
Made Hot by: PMVirtual on November 8, 2013 5:41 pm
Start blogging is not difficult today! The reasons for doing it though, are of major importance. For that and your reasons, perhaps, you should start blogging! Read More

How Will Mobile Affect Your Holiday Sales?

Avatar Posted by Rieva Lesonsky under Online Marketing
From http://forum.web.com 3980 days ago
Made Hot by: maestro68 on November 11, 2013 6:18 am
How will mobile devices affect your ecommerce site or retail store’s holiday sales this year? The percentage of consumers planning to do most of their Black F Read More

Exit Strategy Vs. Keep It Strategy

Avatar Posted by IanDSmith under Management
From http://www.portfoliopartnership.com 3981 days ago
Made Hot by: SJC on November 11, 2013 10:34 pm
Is there a difference between running a business to ensure you can exit and cashing out one day Vs. running it to keep it forever? Yes there is, the last 24 months. Every owner needs to run a business as if they wanted to cash out one day. Read More
See, I still get asked that kind of question pretty much every day. “You know, that social media stuff is important, just no one in my industry is using it.”
I stopped being geeked up about social media some years ago, but that’s because about then I realized social media had firmly become a behav Read More

How To Begin Using Social Media In Your Business

Avatar Posted by martinzwilling under Startups
From http://blog.startupprofessionals.com 3984 days ago
Made Hot by: BizWise on November 6, 2013 12:06 am
When my friend’s small business was struggling a while back, I suggested he add some social media marketing initiatives, and his answer was that he was “too busy.” His business has since closed, but his mindset is still out there. According to a study of 1700 CEOs last year, only 60% of companies t Read More

Thankful Thursday: Blogging, Speed, Listly, Tweets, Old Content

Avatar Posted by SusanVelez under Online Marketing
From http://www.adriennesmith.net 3984 days ago
Made Hot by: SJC on November 5, 2013 10:43 pm
Today I’m sharing with you why building relationships through blogging is huge, how to speed up your blog, why use List.ly, how to tweet and how to revive old content.

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Should Google+ Be a Digital Marketing Priority?

Avatar Posted by mallton under Social Media
From http://www.thesocialmediahat.com 3984 days ago
Made Hot by: LimeWood on November 6, 2013 1:16 am
Let’s dig into why Shareaholic is saying that Google+ isn’t a good website traffic referral source, and then go over whether or not Google+ should even be a priority. Read More

What Socrates can teach you about social media strategy

Avatar Posted by cendrinemedia under Social Media
From http://www.creativeramblings.com 3985 days ago
Made Hot by: SJC on November 2, 2013 5:23 pm
My goal as a social media coach is to help clients develop a strategy that works best for their specific situations. I achieve that not only by sharing actionable tips, but also by challenging their assumptions. I want them to become independent thinkers instead of blind followers of trends launche Read More
What works and what doesn’t when promoting your small business online? An Ohio-based marketing company named Triad decided to find out. Read More

Project Management Lessons from “Duck Dynasty”

Avatar Posted by estherschindler under Self-Development
From http://quickbase.intuit.com 3985 days ago
Made Hot by: BizWise on November 2, 2013 5:37 pm
The millionaire rednecks didn’t stumble into their fortune, they earned it. Here’s how you can apply their lessons in your own family business.
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